Men, Do You Have Confidence In Yourself?

Lana Warren's Avatar
I was talking to a gentleman in chat today and he was looking to cross over from FBSM to FS, but was hoping to find the right lady! After talking with him awhile, he revealed to me the reason why he hadn't made the final step just yet! You see, he was embarrassed about 2 things..........#1 issue was he thinks he is too small.....4.5"-5"! I reassured him that it's not a problem for most ladies and I would hope ANY lady would be sympathetic to his feelings! #2 issue with him, is that he tends to pop the first time very quickly! Again, shouldn't be a big deal to the ladies! These two issues are very important to him and has hindered his search for a wonderful sexual experience!

What I tried to get across to him was that he needs to feel confident about the long run, it is his body and the only person who matters is himself!

My question to our wonderful gentlemen.......what does it take to feel more confident about yourself?
Prowordsmith's Avatar
Yes, of course.
Uhhhh, well, maybe not.
Okay, no.

Just kidding!
Let me say this...he is better off than I.
As Willie Nelson said recently, "I outlived my pecker!"

Seriously, I got hurt in a building collapse as a firefighter. Smashed hip and thigh, lots of nerve damage in the general area. Fortunately, all the visible structures came away intact but most inoperable. Long story short - Mr. Happy barely raises his head anymore. I used to be concerned about it, but now it's okay. I still have a great tongue and mouth and I love DATY. I never have met a Provider who has done anything but go along with it and enjoy herself.

In fact, my ATF has termed me "low impact".
So now I'm even Providerly Ecological!
TinMan's Avatar
Two martinis. It used to take three, but my self-esteem has improved over the years.
Hi Lana

I know this for the gentlemen.

How ever it hurts my feelings to read this. He should not feel like that. I hope whoever he chooses to see does not make him feel and doesn't kick him after the first go. But I do know you and Im sure you will lead him in the right direction and he should be fine.

Tell your chat buddy good luck and happy hunting
Lana Warren's Avatar
You're such a sweet girl! Thank you for your input!
tsrv4me's Avatar
At my age I also have some of the aforementioned problems ......but still enjoy trying to pleasing my partner ....
wgrace's Avatar
I'm fat and I used to feel bad about it until I started doing this...then I felt WORSE because I got turned down by girls once they saw me. I've found a few providers who I deeply care for now and have made my self esteem go way up. I still get nervous seeing someone new.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Every one of us looks for validation somehow, somewhere, every single day. We just look for it in different areas.

I think many men join this particular club because they are not just taken for granted, but seldom taken seriously at home. I know of one quiet young fellow who had an abusive ex with regards to his sexual ability and equipment and it took a very open minded and giving young woman to get him over it.

What providers provide truly is theraputic on many, many levels. The gentleman should attend just one social and meet some of the other guys here or at least read more of the posts and realize that none of these guys are sex Gods. . . demigods, maybe?

Traveler64's Avatar
What providers provide truly is theraputic on many, many levels. The gentleman should attend just one social and meet some of the other guys here or at least read more of the posts and realize that none of these guys are sex Gods. . . demigods, maybe? Originally Posted by Iaintliein

Sitting at home looking at 'galleries' and/or reading posts/reviews paints a distorted picture of who we all are. We're all just people trying to manage our lives. As hard as it might be for someone to attend a social I think the self esteem and confidence might just shoot skyward by simply talking to one of the ladies (and maybe smelling her perfume.)

Not all the guys have 8 inch dicks nor do all the ladies know how to kiss well. We're all different. It's what makes this an interesting place.
Int3rested's Avatar
it's cool...confidence comes from all sides....
I'm in the midst of trying to make the switch from FBSM to FS myself, but alas I too have zero confidence in a successful transition.
1. I'm fat - I don't think grossly so, but the bottom line is I'm fat (and old)
2. I'm as small, or smaller than the gentleman noted in the beginning of the thread
3. I'm usually a one pop guy, and it's almost always VERY premature - I'd love to at least be with someone who would help me try for a second. It would be fun and feel good, even if not successful
4. I suppose there are other factors, but on top of all that I have ED and it's hit or miss - mostly miss - on whether or not I can rise to the occassion. It's funny how I can be sitting in front of my computer looking at porn and get hard as a rock, but can't get anything going when I'd most like to.

I'm hoping I have found someone who can give me at least a decent shot at some level of success. She's a more mature provider and well reviewed, and somehow or another I've managed to pass her screening.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to see her, but I'm thinking that before I do I need to give her a heads up regarding the above items, in the hopes that she'll take things nice and slow and be patient with me. A session like that is my only hope of going over to the other side.
rex4998's Avatar
no confidence issues here. I've heard the term "conceited", "arrogant", and "brash" thrown around.

Meh, fuck those haters. What would those fat ass, short dicked clowns know anyways?!?!?

1thatgotaway's Avatar
Yes, but only because I'm such an amazing guy

I'm in the midst of trying to make the switch from FBSM to FS myself, but alas I too have zero confidence in a successful transition.
1. I'm fat - I don't think grossly so, but the bottom line is I'm fat (and old)
2. I'm as small, or smaller than the gentleman noted in the beginning of the thread
3. I'm usually a one pop guy, and it's almost always VERY premature - I'd love to at least be with someone who would help me try for a second. It would be fun and feel good, even if not successful
4. I suppose there are other factors, but on top of all that I have ED and it's hit or miss - mostly miss - on whether or not I can rise to the occassion. It's funny how I can be sitting in front of my computer looking at porn and get hard as a rock, but can't get anything going when I'd most like to.

I'm hoping I have found someone who can give me at least a decent shot at some level of success. She's a more mature provider and well reviewed, and somehow or another I've managed to pass her screening.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to see her, but I'm thinking that before I do I need to give her a heads up regarding the above items, in the hopes that she'll take things nice and slow and be patient with me. A session like that is my only hope of going over to the other side. Originally Posted by notsomuch

Dude, There are ladies that will work with you here. I would be surprised if you don't get PM's from your post. I hope I do not see you posting hating reviews later, that state some 18 YO girl did not give you what she gave someone else (as many in your shoes do). This is an income for these ladies. They are not trying to find a guy that can get them off... I sugest an outcall, so you will feel more comfortable. Do your research and find a lady that you feel compatible with (you can upgrade some, but not too much, then it is YMMV).

Just do it.
no confidence issues here. I've heard the term "conceited", "arrogant", and "brash" thrown around.

Meh, fuck those haters. What would those fat ass, short dicked clowns know anyways?!?!?

LOLZzzzz Originally Posted by rex4998

Well, I have another term for you "IDIOT". No one here cares about you and your body, except your next appointment. I am sure that someone is better than you and could take a woman from you... These guys are laying it out about their lack of confidence, and you feel the need to tell everyone how great you are???