Once again, it is imperative that we work at the local precinct level to bring forth candidates that can rise above the establishment to gain enough control that our nation can be restored to the rights of the people and not the over reaching mammoth government.
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This strategy works on "grass roots" level generation of energy and direction, but to continue with the "grass" analogy the cultivation must be on a calm, focused footing with little fringe and shrill issues being pushed in people's faces. The Mid-Range (independents) have to be enticed on board and not scared away by "trendy" issues that don't have a "dog's" (no pun intended) chance of getting up to bat, much less on base.
That's just the opposite of what "we" have now ... with the goof-ball in there. "Trendy" liberal issues that have turned to shit before his blind eyes.