NCNS Amarillo - NCNS #2 - Charm

Date: 7 January 2017
Provider: Charm
User ID:: 128250
Phone: 623-255-9423
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Amarillo
State: Texas
Address: NCNC - Incall at her private residence
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: NONE - NCNS, Text and phone calls only
Session Length: 60
Fee: 200
Hair Length and Color: Previous reviews say her profile is correct/accurate.
Age: 24
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Previous reviews say her profile is correct/accurate.
Recommendation: No
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hey TX, this is no review. This is a NCNS alert and it belongs in Co-Ed so we can get both sides of the story. Thanks.

2 NCNS in one day?? Either you got terrible luck and I suggest you stay out of the casino or there is more going on here than what I'm reading.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Doc is correct- moved to COED
DocHolyday's Avatar
Thanks CK!! Keep up the fine work Sir.
Unfortunately, just bad luck with Charm. Maybe it was too late, maybe it was the bad weather, maybe she had too much to drink at the bar. Who knows? From reading her reviews this does not sound typical for Charm. I'll chalk it up to just bad timing. No harm, no foul, no bad feelings for me.

Now as far as the other NCNS, April is just unprofessional, rude, and I have a follow-up review (surprise, surprise).
*charm*'s Avatar
Im not sure exactly what went wrong here but i do apoligize most likely just a misunderstanding i try to be very Respecful of my clients and their schedules but then again i am sorry
DocHolyday's Avatar
Thank you Ms. Charm. A very classy response.
I just half to say Charm has been 100% most dependable provider that I have found in like forever and I have known her for over 4 years. Now on the other hand look at the amount of no and maybe recommendations this guy has given the providers he may have seen who can say. He seems to have some kind of personal with our providers. My recommendation would be that our providers not see this guy!!
Im not sure exactly what went wrong here but i do apoligize most likely just a misunderstanding i try to be very Respecful of my clients and their schedules but then again i am sorry Originally Posted by *charm*
Thanks Charm,
I appreciate the response. I understand that sometimes things happen. I realize I called last minute and I've read nothing but positive things about you.

Maybe next time I'm passing through town our schedules will permit meeting each other.
Like I posted, no harm, no foul, and no bad feelings on my part.

Best of luck,
I just half to say Charm has been 100% most dependable provider that I have found in like forever and I have known her for over 4 years. Now on the other hand look at the amount of no and maybe recommendations this guy has given the providers he may have seen who can say. He seems to have some kind of personal with our providers. My recommendation would be that our providers not see this guy!! Originally Posted by 1ishmael
Maybe I just have higher standards.

Anyways, I've meet many great providers all over the world and some like to keep things UTR, so you won't see a review from me on them. As you can see from most of my reviews I do a bit of traveling every now and then and I have "yes" and "no" reviews all over.

Maybe you don't see as many no or maybe reviews from others because they only like to talk about the good times and forget the bad times. Me on the other hand, I like to share my lessons learned with others so they can make an informed decision.

Maybe I should find one I like and just stick with her, but that's not me. I like to explore and discover. With that comes both good, bad and a few maybes. There's usually nothing wrong with the maybe's, they're just not my style. So can I honestly recommend them, nope, not for me, but maybe for others, because we all have different taste. Read the ROS and make a decision for yourself on any maybe reviews that I write.

Rest assured any "yes" reviews I write are guaranteed to be fun if you're ever lucky enough to meet them (unless we have different opinions on what a beautiful lady looks like).

As far as not recommending other providers in your area not to visit with me because I had a no-show . . . .hmm, OK, . . . . whatever (I guess that makes sense to you).

Regarding Charm, like I said in my original post, I think it was just bad timing. Based on her previous reviews, pictures, the number of people willing to speak-up on her behalf, and her polite reply (above) ...... had things worked out, I'm sure she would have received a "Hell Yes!!" from me.

Back on the road and exploring more!!!
john_deere's Avatar
He seems to have some kind of personal with our providers. My recommendation would be that our providers not see this guy!! Originally Posted by 1ishmael
this is stepping over the line and you should put a fucking sock in it.