~The Truth~ ....In Regards to "Didos" Southern Hazel Alert. ..

First off . I Wasn't going to comment on Bullshit since all it was was that and nothing more but I did share what really happened with two other eccie clients and they insisted I get on eccie and clear this up especially since what the client did was actually in fact a violation to me and what could be to other providers. By the time I went to comment the thread was closed. The guy scheduled with me like anyone else would. .when we first started texting he repeatedly asked about anal..I insisted "without any confusion whatsoever " that that that was a "NO". He lead me on to believe that he understood that. Long story short. During the session he tried putting it " there" about 3/4 times. Finally I was so fed up. I GOT UP and said dude I ****** Said NO. So I jumped up got dressed and grabbed the money and called my uber. .He said we are only 10 mins in..I said you must be retarded because I told you no a thousand times. He is mad that I left and took the money 10 mins in. That's his fault no where on my profile do I offer that OR EVER DID..SO I'm the one that should have reported him in the first place..He claimed that I ripped him off. Everyone that knows me or of me on here since 2015 Knows damn well I have never offered that . And if you think I'm wrong to have taken the money and left then I could care less. I MADE MYSELF CLEAR BEFORE WE EVEN SCHEDULED
no means no - if this is what happened, and I have no reason to doubt you - then you are 100% correct.

And well done, standing up for your boundaries and limits.

We pay for your time. What happens between two CONSENTING adults, is their CHOICE....
DocHolyday's Avatar
Bravo!!! Bravo!!

Not sure this is alert worthy however.
Sorry that happened.
He should have to pay for that! He wasted everyone's time and money by not respecting your boundaries.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
You did the right thing I would have punched him in the face I hate when they try that. No Greek here assholes
HoustonRiley's Avatar
This is the exact thing that should be allowed on alerts we as providers need to know that this client is going to try to stick it in our ass even after being told no tons of times.
Bravo!!! Bravo!!

Not sure this is alert worthy however. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
I want to be informed that anyone i have to potential to encounter suffers from being intrusive,pushy, or deceptive without the ability to understand no or pick up on social cues.
Sinclar's Avatar
Your body...your choice. Ground rules established and if they are broken TFB. You did right SH. Sorry it happened.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 12-12-2017, 08:58 PM
Yes I agree if it was clear at first and even after if you said no it should’ve been No dude!
That's terrible! Sorry you had to go through that! Is this the same guy who wrote about giving you a ride? Did he not give you that ride then and made that entire story up? No sarcasm nor cynicism. I'm really asking.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Lol. Idiots.. well played bitch now that you seem to be not homeless care to pay me?? For getting yous off the street and such?? XXOO annie
I finetuned all of this and ran everything through the hobby post translator
and this is what I came back with ..

.... Someones nose is gonna grow real long.

Les Grossman's Avatar
THATS RAPE. He freakin raped her.

Seriously though, I cant see how admitting cutting a session short because of a butt poke could be good for business, especially after that alert.
THATS RAPE. He freakin raped her.

Seriously though, I cant see how admitting cutting a session short because of a butt poke could be good for business, especially after that alert. Originally Posted by Les Grossman
I happen to know of a case that was taken to New Orleans Criminal Court involving consensual sex where a case was made for rape involving sodomy.....if you don't think it could apply in an escort situation, I would guess that you might be wrong.

Just because you pay doesn't give you all green lights my friend....as far as good for business, she has like 30 great reviews .