Well, many people say heartless Republicans want to open up the economy and they say we are willing to sacrifice old people to do it.
Guess what - we make those kind of tradeoffs every day.
For instance, let's lower the speed limit to 30 MPH and restrict anyone over 80 from driving. That will save lives overall and save old fuckers as well.
It would be a huge cost to the economy and very inconvenient but who cares, because every life is precious, right?
Let's spend trillions of dollars to make the water so pure you could use it right out of the water faucet with a saline solution and put it in an IV - even if it will likely just go to water your yard!
Let's put inspectors at the check out line in every supermarket to test every single package of food to make sure no bacteria are present.
We take risks everyday in America - let's not be a bunch of pussies!
Open it up!!