For Love or Money?

Duke1023's Avatar
Ok, due to the recent spats had here on the board, I ask that you take it easy on me, as I haven't been involved in the hobby for very long (yes I'm still claiming new guy status).

So I've seen a provider a couple times, and we really seem to hit it off. We always have a great time together and one of the best things about it is the conversations we have. I should preface this by saying I'm married with kids and not some single guy looking for love in all the wrong places. I also realize that it is a provider's job to make me want to come back for more, etc. However, myself and this provider really seem to get along well and also seem to be genuinely concerned about each other's well being and have, dare I say, formed a genuine friendship.

So, my question to both providers and clients on the board is this. Have you ever had a situation where the client/provider relationship goes farther and there is a genuine relationship formed? I know this isn't the movie "Pretty Woman" but I was just inquiring about some real life experiences. I know this is a business and a hobby, and NO, I am not falling in love. Just wanted to see if any of you had any thoughts or experiences to share.

And I am requesting, due to recent spats on the forum, that any providers that turn this thread into an argument or war be required to send me seductive, skin-bearing pictures by whatever means necessary! Clients, feel free to keep your clothes on. That is all, now have at it.
I've heard of it happening. And while I've really come to like some of the providers I've seen, I also really like some of my professional business associates I've worked with over the years.

I ain't bringin' none of 'em home to meet mama.
Ladies are warned to never cross the line, but some do. I've done it once. As nice as it was, it didn't last and ended badly. Which is too bad, he was a sweet guy.

Relationships can form out of this business, but its few and far between that its a lasting one.

If you form a special friendship with your client/provider, treasure it, never abuse it or take it for granted because a true friend is very rare.

I have formed some great friendships with some of my clients. We value the friendship, but never let it interfere with our real lives too much. Discretion is still a must in these situations.
It does happen, and to me. Will not go into detail here in public forum. As Elena said treasure the friendship, but your personal life has to be first.
strawberrycar934's Avatar
Let's face facts, how could it ever grow into anything more. If you moved the relationship to the civilian world, how would you answer the the simple question? "How did the two of you meet?"
Have I ever had an encounter where I felt intimacy beyond the physical, sure. Did I let the feeling linger, no.
And I don't mean to be so cynical but as long as we continue to operate in a society where this hobby is frowned upon by Larry then creating true relationships seem like a non-starter. If, however, Larry were to bless these unions then I think that honest relationships could surface.
If Larry sanctioned these activities then I think that relationships could bloom no different than what happens in business where friends from business become friends in life.
A relationship can happen in this business. Just because the hobby is illegal doesn't mean that you can't find your partner for life in this business or a friend for life.

As for the question of how you met if that relationship does happen, of course you'll have to create a lil white lie to tell friends and family.
Certainly friendly busines-type of relationships, can not only be had...but are not infrequent

Beyond that....does it happen, sure. But it can be a very slippery tread slowly on both sides
Bigh1955's Avatar
As long as there are regulars and ATFs the answer to your question is "yes."
I give a big 1+ to MsE's comments, they are right on!
Friendships that transcend the hobby bed are rare and should be prized and protected. Deeper relationships are even more rare, and are more or less doomed (imho) due to the nature of the business and the human propensity to be jealous, especially during the early - new love - stage. Your question, taken to the next level - marriage or a long-term, committed relationship - opens this discussion even further, but would constitute a "hi-jack" of your thread.
Best advice - steer clear of emotional entanglements and other hobby "drama." Your life will be simpler
I give a big 1+ to MsE's comments, they are right on! [...]
Best advice - steer clear of emotional entanglements and other hobby "drama." Your life will be simpler Originally Posted by Bigh1955
Agreed, on both astute points.


- Jackie