Need Feedback from the Ladies to keep NCNS at bay

First n foremost Ladies, thank u all for bringing such joy to my life..for being so unselfish and sharing your lives with me. (Albeit for a short period of time). please provide some guidance here (or at least feedback). Today I experienced what could be construed as NCNS. Question ladies, is it appropriate to request a confirmation an hour before the date time? I've experienced many instances where i don't get the affirmation but continue driving anyway. once i get to the location, again, there is no reply. So now, I've changed my strategy and if I don't here from them 15 minutes into the drive, i turn around and return to work. I may be out only a half-hour, as opposed to 2 hours. then sometimes, like today, i receive a call after i'm back at the office, turns out the lady was in the shower, so if I had continued, I would have had a good time. Now, how is one to know...i've been burned one too many times like this. And I don't wish to keep complaining about that I grin and bear it and move on. But have to admit that I ask myself if this aggravation is worth it...I think for a while...than answer myself...OF COURSE IT IS!!!! Please some feedback ladies.
I have experienced situations where clients book an appt. earlier in the day for later in the evening. I tell them you can pre-book, but I know all too well life happens, and sometimes guys will not even call to cancel but just NCNS. I perfer that we touch base at least 1 hour prior to the session, to confirm the appt. I love hearing from someone to let me know they are leaving to be on their way to me. I use the 2 call system, and ask they call me when they get here for my apt. #. So YES Hotamale, I agree with you, confirmation an hour prior to the session, is very much the right thing to do in my opinion. Happy Holidays!! Melissa012
Thank u Melissa...ur my type of gal. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, and be safe!
I require all clients to call an hour before a session. I used to spend several hours preparing for an appointment (choosing the perfect outfit, lighting candles...everything and every hair in perfect place) After a few NCNS and several wasted hours of primping, I learned not to get too excited about having some playtime until I get that confirmation that they are on their way. Wish I had one on the way this afternoon. Want to come by? ;-)
Thank you hotamale!! Send me a PM and perhaps we may have more in common than you know... LOL Melissa012
I would SweetMelody, if it was only 1045am...this was the time I turned around n went back to work. I guess I should have ladies willing to c me last minute, little advance notice (as backup, there just aren't that many). And my window of opportunity generally closes real fast, unfortunately. So, is it ok NOT to leave for the location if i don't hear from the lady n hour before the set time? Thanks for ur comments.
I suggest doing your research before scheduling with a lady. Ask your fellow hobbyist about who has great TCB skills and thinks communication is imperative. I for one, ask for confirmation a couple of hrs in advance. If I don't hear from him by the time I request, I assume he had something come up and go on about my day. I can understand your frustration, perhaps you should have a plan B on speed dial.
I do the same as SweetMelody. I require a confirmation CALL an hour before our appointment to omit any chances of " well I didn't hear from her 20 minutes prior to the set time, I'll turn around" happening.
Yeah, I thought an hour or two prior to the appointment was a standard. Most of my friends call two hours out first, to make sure that things are still on track. Then once they're on the way, or if I'm on the way, we call to get directions and to make sure our timing's right.
i just need 30 mins notice for hour sessions....
alot can happen in an hour though still, so just call me when your on your way....
30 min sessions. normally i dont need a heads up,
i look good when i roll out of bed anyways..
BUT if your gonna be late or you need to cancel please treat me like a doctors office call and cancel or reschedule, and i dont need wsome lame excuse. you dont gotta lie to kick it...
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
I ask my clients to do the same as I do if Im headed to them. I call to confirm about a hour before the appointment and have them call once again when 10 away then one more call when they are at my gate or I am turning on thier street. If I am headed to them and they dont answer or call back after I call when im enroute w/in 5 minutes I turn around too.
Thank u ladies/gents for the useful feedback...I will take heed (n work at establishing backups so as not to ruin the whole day).

Once again Ladies, thank u for being there for me (us), u have truly enhanced n blessed our lives!