Inquiring Minds Want to Know?

OK, this post is truly a sincere request for thoughts from the ladies. I’m sure I’ll get flamed, ridiculed, or whatever from some…but I’ve got broad shoulders, so here goes.

I’ve been around the block a few times, and have a varied “travel journal” in the life experience department. That includes the business, personal and erotic side of things. I look at every day of my life as a gift, and an opportunity to do better than the previous day. Equally as important, I always try learn something new every day. So far, so good. (In my late forties, so I think I’ve got some years under my belt.)

Looking to wind down my hobby tenure, but I still have a few of (rather tame) things on my hobby bucket list, that may or may not ever happen in civvies life. COF, COT, and GFE Greek. I think, in the case of the latter two, I have a pretty good idea where to turn. But the COF piece leaves me a bit perplexed. (Guess I’ve been watching too many porn facial money shot scenes!)

Yes, there are many ladies who either advertise it, or purportedly are known to participate based on reviews. So, what’s the big deal you may ask? Honestly, I am torn. While I have a strong desire to try it at least once, I’m also conflicted because my conservative upbringing casts a pallor of degradation on the act. I’m a very respectful gent, who believes in consent and mutual enjoyment in the bedroom, hobby and civvies life alike.

So now, with the long and short of it… an honest question, for which I’m hoping to find sincere answers. (Provided without the interest of generating a session, if that’s even possible.) Do you ladies view a porn style COF/CIM combination as degrading disgusting, reprehensible and generally awful? Or is this an act that some truly are OK with, maybe even enjoy given the heat of passion?

PM’s or open forum answers are fine.

Thanks for letting me explore…

I love COF and I have a really bad habit of going to the closest mirror to check out my handiwork. I love it, nothing degrading about it to me. I think it's a compliment for you to allow me to wear your 'paint'. LOVE IT!!!
Steelag70's Avatar
Ms. Dannie I must say that you are definitely THE BOMB my dear. I enjoy your posts and your wit and intelligence definitely match your outer beauty!
mtabsw's Avatar
allow me to wear your 'paint'. LOVE IT!!! Originally Posted by Dannie
hmmmm.... Hope you're ok with drops vs cups.... Peter would laugh but it's all good for me.
rex4998's Avatar
I'm sure there will be a wide variety of answers, but at the end of the day, what turns one off is a turn on for others. I think you should be looking for the COF providers who find it a turn-on so that you are both mutually happy. I've participated in COF with several providers (researched activities in reviews beforehand) and have found those sessions to be kick ass for both participating parties.
There are women who do not like it and there are women who do and everything in between. I think that as long as the two people doing it don't mind, then rock on! I think COT is extremely erotic
  • PT4ME
  • 06-30-2010, 05:09 PM
There are women who do not like it and there are women who do and everything in between. I think that as long as the two people doing it don't mind, then rock on! I think COT is extremely erotic Originally Posted by Dharma

"prrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaach ", Dharma, "prrrreeaacchhh!!!"



Steelag70's Avatar
Dharma is absolutely correct.
I have to agree with Dharma, myself
Steelag70's Avatar
<=====would love to have target practice with
As those who have posted express some like or at least do not mind the COT/COF others would rather avoid the experience. For myself I don't mind the gents praticing the art and if the gent seems to really be into it , it in turn really turns me on. From my female perspective I believe the male to be showing his domanice, the alpha side of the gender, the I am in control and rule my universe attitude. I do not feel that the gents or females of this era consider the act degrading by todays standards. Now you want to view it by the standards of say my parents say 1940- 1950 it would have been very degrading. Just my 0.02 xoxo chelsea
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I don't get it, but I've got a felling it's one of those things that if I ever accidentally do it I'll shriek, "Damn, that was cool!" Til then.
Steelag70's Avatar
Hmmmm...need to add Chelsea to my desired provider list...hehe.
Barny Stinson's Avatar
well i will say when she whispers in your ear while in the middle of intercourse about russian with a combined cot/cof! i was like HELL YES. the words if i remember right was "do you want to fuck my tits and cum all over them?" they were perfect natural d's on a 19 year old! OMG yes!
I LOVE it! It is so very hot to have a gentleman straddling me and stroking it OR letting me do it until he explodes all over my breasts, neck and/or face! Wow! I love to rub it all over my breasts after he comes.

Degrading? Not to me!