Is brazil as good as it reads

I have been wanting to go to brazil for a long time now. But have not had he time to go. But was wondering if some of you can tell me more about it. From what I have read you go to these "bars" and the girls are there for you to pick. You can sit and have drinks with yhem and if you find one that you like you go upstairs for about 120. Everyone usually post some website with glamour shot or what I think looks like airbrushed pics of some really hot girls.

So I guess my question is, is it all true or just some b.s.
dearhunter's Avatar
it is all true
It's all true...and what you are referring to is TERMAS. That is what they are called there. All are not the same and there are many better than others.

You need to do your research and stop asking such quesitons in open forum..........duh!
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
YES- Just make sure she was born a woman. They apparently do awesome surgery there! When I had a co-op one applied and all I can say is curiosity got to me and i asked for a pic- it looked so real!
sharkman29's Avatar
It is all true. And not just the Termas. You can pick them up in bars, beach everywhere. Land of Plenty!!
I didnt know I was rocking any boats. The activity is in another country and I thought I was legal there.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
It is legal there. It's not legal to work as a madam or pimp. Working as an indy is just fine.
No it isn't legal. But, everyone knows it is going on.......So the people that run the termas are probably paying off someone.

Yes, you can pick them up at the beaches and some of the clubs. One of the best clubs in the past was Help's. They closed it since it was on the Copacabana beach front and Rio is gearing up for the Olympics and the World Cup. So they are trying to be big on law and order.

The good thing about the Termas is if you see one of the terma girls in public after visiting her at the Terma. She will not approach you if she sees you in public.

But, a beach girl or club girl will not let you go once she gets you. She will stick to you like glue......and do whatever you want her to

That could be a good thing.....But, if you wanted to shop will cause a problem.

So learn the language or go with a Veteran, to help you move around.

Get an apt if you go and do not get a Hotel room. The majority of Hotels will not allow you to bring girls up to the room.

YOu want more info......PM me........!
sharkman29's Avatar
Man, Ike it is exactly as you described it and that was 20 years ago that I was there. I picked up a beach girl and she stuck to me like glue the rest of the time, but would do me as much as I wanted. And back then, did not want me to use a cover. And HELP was fantastic. My God, literally hundreds of beautiful girls, and all available. And the damn hotel would let the girls up, but bastards made me pay extra every time she came up. Pissed me off but I had no choice but to pay. Strangely, I did not enjoy the Termas as much as everyone else. I mainly used Help or the beach girl that was stuck to me.
pyramider's Avatar
You couldn't scrape off your beach girls on SMI?
simpleton's Avatar
YES- Just make sure she was born a woman. They apparently do awesome surgery there! When I had a co-op one applied and all I can say is curiosity got to me and i asked for a pic- it looked so real! Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

So that one chick that everyone was banging was really a dude?
pyramider's Avatar
Costa Rica is supposed to be just as good as Brazil with cheaper flights.
sharkman29's Avatar
No way! Girl in CR are not on par with the Brazilian women!
Ecuador is my pick! Chicks range from $7 - $20, (yes that is seven to twenty dollars) depending on what spots you go to.
BigLouie's Avatar
If this was baseball CR would be double A and Rio would be The Show.

Rio is all of that and more. Have been going for close to 10 years. If you want information your best source is which is your best single source of information about South America. It also has the famous Bwana Dik's Guide to Rio which details everything you need to know about Rio from the Hotels to the Termas to the Restaurants. I'll shoot you a copy if you email me.

As for the girls. You will soon find out why so many of the world's super models come from Brazil. And you will find out there there is no such thing as sin South of the Equator.

While the famous Help is gone there is the Balcony Bar.