What is there to smoke? Its pretty obvious that even in a CNN poll 50% of America remains dumb enough to vote for this charlatan again.What options are there for them? Do you think Bachman, Perry, Romney and Newt are somehow future Great POTUS waiting to get there turn? Had the previous President not destroyed this country we wouldn't be having this convo.
It's hardly surprising considering what a dismal failure our education system is at teaching the ability to critically think outside the box. Originally Posted by freakscene
Amen to that as a vet of both warsOK
Thank you for your service.
I can tell you that all those cowards bush, chainy and Rumsfeld who all got back to back to back deferments Bush was in the Air Guard, not deffered.
from Vietnam hurt this country in so many ways Examples?. I am not a liberal but what I can say is that this president has tried and some of the things he did are working now Name some. We still got a ways to go but with the wacko right wing and the stupid left wing of the government not being able to work together he has done ok Originally Posted by TGS
What, exactly, are these things that the former president did that caused our mess now? I would like specifics. It should be easy, it has been said so many times. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you kidding me, dude?..
You act as if you've been living under a rock or just trying to pull our chain here by acting dumb.
1. The Bush tax cuts. These idiotic tax cuts only helped the rich while draining our treasure. Check again. The tax cuts were across the board; which resulted in many lower bracket income earners no longer paying any federal taxes.
2. How does any rational person cut taxes and start an unfunded war? Bush didn’t start the war with Afghanistan any more than FDR started the war with Japan and Germany.
3. Invading Iraq was the most disastrous decision that anyone could have made. I opposed it from the second it was introduced, but even some of my friends with titles, positions and degrees argued with me that it was a wise decision. And why would any POTUS listen to your ignorant posts on a SHMB?
4. Not minding the store. Bush walked into office with a budget surplus left there courtesy of the Clinton administration and what does he do with it? And what about the economic time-bomb Clinton handed to Bush?
5. He should have built on that surplus and worked on the crumbling infrastructure of this country and worked on building up the economy. And what about the economic time-bomb Clinton handed to Bush?
6. Just look at the smoking ruins that idiot left us when he finished. The result of the economic time-bomb Clinton handed to Bush.
How can you even ask with a straight face what specifically did the idiot from Crawford do that caused the mess we're in? Your idolatrous support for Obamonation only serves to underscore your ignorant naïveté.
. . . That moron we had in the White House did more damage to this country than Saddam ever did or could have done. Take another hit of the Kool-aide.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
What options are there for them? Do you think Bachman, Perry, Romney and Newt are somehow future Great POTUS waiting to get there turn? Had the previous President not destroyed this country we wouldn't be having this convo. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
War was brought to this country by the Taliban or did you forget 9/11 (so many have)? . Originally Posted by JD BarleycornThe Taliban brought us 9/11? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Of course Iraq did try to assassinate a former president, violated the no fly zone everyday, and refused to supply information about a downed flyer. . Originally Posted by JD BarleycornMan , good thing Bush took out the Iraq Air Force before , well before they flew over Kenya , where Barry was born!
The highest office in the land requires high intellect and emotional composure that President Obama has in surplus, but the entrenched opposition running on autopilot is what makes the job so unnecessarily difficult. What evidence of high intellect and emotional composure? Obama is a dimwit paranoid. Just ask all the corpsemen from the 57 states.FG, you are so much fun. You say the stupidest things, and think you are smarter than everyone else.
We need cooperation in Washington, but we are not seeing anything remotely resembling that virtue. And no cooperation is coming from Obama.
What we are seeing instead is endless squabbling and bickering over anything that can be used to weaken the President. The protracted fight to raising the debt ceiling was clear evidence of that strategy. What? Raising the debt ceiling is a no brainer? When the hell do they plan to pay it back?
It bothers me that senator Mitch McConnell is brazen enough to openly state that their agenda is to make sure President Obama has only one term. Yes, and Harry Reid was so supportive of President Bush, as was Nancy Pelosi. And Tip O'Neal worked hard on Reagan's re-election. How odd that a member of the opposite party would want a different President. You're right, it has me stymied.
Clearly, their agenda should be to do what is best for the country. The agenda for BOTH sides is and always has been what's in it for them. NEITHER side gives a damn about the people, except when it helps their re-election.
Don't they even know that's what we elected them for? Well, in 2010, people elected a Congress they hoped would slow down the socialist march Obama started.
The imbecile we had in office previously implement policies that were highly detrimental to the welfare of this country, but President Obama has been digging us out of the economic hole Bush left us in, but instead of helping him do what is right for the country, the GOP has been hellbent on breaking him. Much like the cooperation Republican Presidents get from democrats.
Fortunately, they do not have anyone on the GOP ticket that has enough support to defeat him and that gives me hope for the country. There wouldn't be much difference if there was.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn