Letter to Hobbyists. Please read.

  • katee
  • 02-08-2014, 11:37 AM
Dear Gentlemen,
Yesterday I had a call,and as my ad states, one must have a reference for verification. Please check with your provider to make sure that she is okay with that. I am more than okay with giving a reference for this purpose as I hold myself as a upscale reputable provider, and DISCRETION is very important to me.
With that being said, ANY provider who advertises on the World Wide Web, is putting herself out there and we can all see that she is a provider.
Yesterday, I had a call, he provided me with two names, of well known( maybe not the highly reviewed) providers locally. Once I contacted one in particular, she was very rude. Saying, I never gave permission for anyone to use me as a reference, or to tell anyone what I do. Me, being the kind person that I am, tried to explain that it was merely for verification, reiterating that I too, am a provider.
That I would be more than happy to help her if the tables were turned. She then informed me that she never needs verification, as she has been doing it for years and only sees hobbyist ( although, not her words, not quite that eloquent ) that she has seen for years. Me, knowing that this was NOT TRUE. Simply gave up on the cause. Should you care to know who it is you can PM me. But, my whole point is as follows. This hobby could completely devastate for both hobbyist and provider. It is a chance we all take. However, I stand on being safe. I do not hold information, numbers etc. although, being low volume, I CAN remember who I saw, when, where. If you have been in my company, you may use me as a reference.
NOTE: please know that if I should be asked about cleanliness etc... Just as we are reviewed, I WILL be honest. Be safe and have fun!

Discreetly yours.
Miss Godiva's Avatar
That's a shame that you went through that.... You're better safe than sorry and I hope the provider cares enough about her "years of friends" because it doesn't sound like it and that's not safe....Who doesn't need refs?! Are you kidding meeeeeeeeee!!!!!! You can always use me as a ref because one, safety is important and as a provider I have just as much to lose as well as my hobby friends. Thanks for putting that out there! Now we know who genuinely "screens". Way to go on keeping it Classy you MILF!!!!!!
  • katee
  • 02-08-2014, 08:25 PM
Thank you doll! It's all fun and games until something happens, then the hobbyist will wish he would have to have been screened! It's all about safety and discretion, and truly wanting protection for ourselves and for the lovely gentlemen that we see. Miss you pretty lady. We should get together soon and offer a little swirl!
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Ugh. That sucks. That's why I state the references must be quality, recent, and verifiable. I've gone through my share of that and it sucks, girl. As always, and as we have done before.... you've got my email! Get at me any time you need! Even just to chat over coffee :-)

Stay safe and kudos for checking references!

Thank all of you ladies for being just that.
Oh and for being hot too!
Due to the fact that you and I have never spoke before. I had no way to verify whom was calling me. Name dropping is not good enough for me. Any provider who does Not screen should not be in the business. Screening is a Must! Unless you are sitting right beside a provider I wouldnt speak on how the screening process is conducting. And if I do not know the provider. I will not give a ref... It is not safe to me.
Half the ladies are posting FAKE PICS. So why would I go by their word? Do not twist my words around. I am well aware of the reasons why people give references. I didnt need your explanation. But thank you kindly. I didnt even have the mans number in my contact list and you turn that around to withholding a number. Are you SERIOUS?
And I do prefer a heads up if some is giving a ref. Everybody different on conducting business. It is my choice. Don't be petty. All this is blown up way too big.
I think we have ALL heard positive and negative things about all the providers..
People talk.... ALOT.... The bad stuff is easy to believe and spread.
We both had little attitudes. Get over it...
IF you feel like I was lying to you. Great.. I would not share my personal business with you anyway.
What a bitch
Grow up... Get your facts straight...
Hey JA - good to see you posting in my section of eccie! Non-controversial and tame as always!!
I was in ur necka the woods to post about a potential visit but I couldn't help myself. I dont understand why the girls have to be so gd catty and competitive. Look how well all the boys get along on here. good grief. anyways im done. sowwy handsome. im going about my bizz now
Sleepy Springfield and Joplin is getting a wake up call for sure - it will be interesting!
As always ... Would you have me any other way?????
Sleepy Springfield and Joplin is getting a wake up call for sure - it will be interesting! Originally Posted by ToTulsaAlot
Please tell me it's going to be warmer next week