Bill Clinton's Worst Nightmare - Monica Is Writing A Book

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, a girl has to make some money. It's not like it's going to hurt his career or anything, but he did make her life miserable. I'll bet it will make those cozy suppers with Hillary a little more interesting, again.

Monica Lewinsky is promising to reveal secret love letters to Bill Clinton and his penchant for kinky sex in a new tell-all about her days as his favorite intern.

Lewinsky, who turns 40 next year, is out for “revenge” and ready to air bombshell details from her Oval Office trysts with the former Horndog-in-Chief in a $12 million memoir, according to friends.

Lewinsky never got explicit in past interviews about her Clinton encounters, but now plans to describe his “insatiable desire for three-way sex, orgies and the use of sex toys of all kinds,” one pal told the National Enquirer

The purported details of the potentially embarrassing tome come after the Post’s Page Six reported last week that Lewinsky was shopping a tell-all to several publishers.

According to her friends, Lewinsky also will recount how Clinton referred to wife Hillary as a “cold fish” and “laughed” about their “non-existent sex life.”

She’ll also release love letters she wrote to Clinton. “In them, she opened her heart about her love for Bill and how much happier she could make him,” said the source. “Some of what she wrote was so raw that she never sent them.”

Lewinsky could not be reached and her reps didn’t return calls.
In the 14 years since she became a national punch line, Lewinsky has gotten her master’s degree, worked briefly as a news correspondent and launched a failed handbag line.

“No one will hire her and she can’t get a job because of Clinton,” a sympathetic friend told The Post yesterday. “She needs to make money somehow.”

Here's the story:
I bet you Clinton is an ECCIE member and must have his own P411 account.
Well, a girl has to make some money. It's not like it's going to hurt his career or anything, but he did make her life miserable. I'll bet it will make those cozy suppers with Hillary a little more interesting, again.

Monica Lewinsky is promising to reveal secret love letters to Bill Clinton and his penchant for kinky sex in a new tell-all about her days as his favorite intern.

Lewinsky, who turns 40 next year, is out for “revenge” and ready to air bombshell details from her Oval Office trysts with the former Horndog-in-Chief in a $12 million memoir, according to friends.

Lewinsky never got explicit in past interviews about her Clinton encounters, but now plans to describe his “insatiable desire for three-way sex, orgies and the use of sex toys of all kinds,” one pal told the National Enquirer

The purported details of the potentially embarrassing tome come after the Post’s Page Six reported last week that Lewinsky was shopping a tell-all to several publishers.

According to her friends, Lewinsky also will recount how Clinton referred to wife Hillary as a “cold fish” and “laughed” about their “non-existent sex life.”

She’ll also release love letters she wrote to Clinton. “In them, she opened her heart about her love for Bill and how much happier she could make him,” said the source. “Some of what she wrote was so raw that she never sent them.”

Lewinsky could not be reached and her reps didn’t return calls.
In the 14 years since she became a national punch line, Lewinsky has gotten her master’s degree, worked briefly as a news correspondent and launched a failed handbag line.

“No one will hire her and she can’t get a job because of Clinton,” a sympathetic friend told The Post yesterday. “She needs to make money somehow.”

Here's the story: Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

She should become a provider we all know she can suck.
SEE3772's Avatar
Nope, Clinton's worst nightmare exploded not imploded in the Alfred P. Murray Building. Mena Arkansas... it snows there.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Shame she won't have it published by next month. It would be fun to see Slick Willie's lying pro-Odumbo promotionals shelved after Odumbo spent campaign dollars to have them made.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
40 years old??? Where is that plump little 19 year old intern that I remember?
I think she should send Hillary a complimentary autographed copy, lol.
40 years old??? Where is that plump little 19 year old intern that I remember? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well after the scandal everyone wanted to fuck her so she was able to work off the baby fat, lol.
Oh there a way for her to make money awright....

All the guys she practiced her craft with in high school, college and after college gave her rave reviews. Where's her resume at? I may want to evaluate her oral presentation skills.

Seriously though, the chick graduated from the London School of Economics, not bad.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, maybe now we'll actually find out what the "unique" feature of Slick Willy's willy is.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Hey for all we know Hillary did threesomes w them. You she's got some kink in her blood.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-21-2012, 06:42 AM
After the shit she's been thru cant really blame her, her name is still well known.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I feel sorry for the woman. Supposedly, she cannot get a job anywhere and this is the only way that she can make some money.

From what I've read, she's still joked about constantly and even when she goes out of eat, people at the other tables crack jokes.

It would be awful to be her.

Men really do rule the world. This is just another example of how a woman is demonized for the choices that she makes and a man is forgiven.

Although I've never blamed Clinton for messing around, powerful men are guilty of it and it's the way that I make my money, but again, her life has been ruined.

Who would wish to be in her shoes?
markroxny's Avatar

Bill Clinton isn't running for president. Who gives a shit about this story now?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Can we stop talking about Anthony Weiner? Talk about an unfortunate name.