Fox Caught Making Up News Out of Nothing Again - The Real Pirate Story

BigLouie's Avatar
NEW YORK (AP) — Arrrrgh: Fox News Channel used a joke picture of President Barack Obama sitting with a man in full buccaneer regalia to suggest Thursday that the president was more interested in meeting with a pirate than in conducting foreign policy.

The network later tweeted a clarification to the blooper, made three times on the "Fox & Friends" morning show.

The picture depicted Obama sitting in the Oval Office with a man in a colorful pirate outfit, complete with a red hat, eye patch and hook for a right arm. It was taken as a punch line for a joke Obama delivered to the White House Correspondents Association dinner in 2009 about the administration talking to enemies as well as friends.

The picture resurfaced Wednesday when the Obama campaign tweeted it for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. The tweet linked to the picture with the message: "Arrr You In?"

Over an on-screen graphic that said "Arrrgh You Kidding?", Fox ran the picture Thursday morning with host Brian Kilmeade saying, "The White House doesn't have the time to meet with the prime minister of Israel, but this pirate got a sit-down in the Oval Office yesterday."

Later, with "yo-ho-ho" music in the background, Fox showed the picture as its "Shot of the Morning," with host Steve Doocy saying, "Here's a quick look at what President Obama is up to, making sure he didn't forget to mark International Talk Like a Pirate Day."

"Fox & Friends" also showed the picture, along with others of the president meeting with Jay-Z and Beyonce and appearing on David Letterman's "Late Show" on Tuesday. The headline was "Too busy for Israel" and Fox also showed twin pictures of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and an empty chair.

"He's getting the Clint Eastwood treatment — the empty chair," Doocy said.

Analyst Peter Johnson Jr., calling the president "Broadway Barack Obama," said that "it seems like foreign policy is taking a back seat."
After the show ended, the "Fox & Friends" Twitter feed noted that the pirate picture was from 2009.

Doocy also tweeted: "By the way, our picture of the president with the pirate was from 2009. How time flies!"

Fox had no additional comment.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-21-2012, 05:53 PM
what do you expect fox to do, air the story of the GOP''s ranting about romneys campaing screw ups?

joe bloe's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
what do you expect fox to do, air the story of the GOP''s ranting about romneys campaing screw ups?

lol Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-21-2012, 06:03 PM
not a bad photoshop

but someone forgot to brown up Obies hands

budman33's Avatar
Originally Posted by joe bloe
Each time you only respond with highlighted spelling mistakes, makes you look like a mindless foool, err Idot, errr a FUCKING DUMBASS!

Cheers, I mean Arrrg!
You see they will take anything and run with it without checking the facts.

I see JB has nothing of substance to provide to this conversation as usual.

I think some people should stock up on Preparation H before November, because their asses will be sore for another 4 years.
You see they will take anything and run with it without checking the facts. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Gee, I wonder where StupidOldFart learned how to post ignorant shit without first checking facts.

Oh yeah, despite his claims to the contrary, he is one of 'em!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, Obama tweeted that stupid pic, not me. I don't care when it was taken, this is what he tweets while the Middle East is burning. It's a slap in the face of everyone who thinks we ought to have a serious President with a serious foreign policy.
Hey, Obama tweeted that stupid pic, not me. I don't care when it was taken, this is what he tweets while the Middle East is burning. It's a slap in the face of everyone who thinks we ought to have a serious President with a serious foreign policy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's the spirit, you have once again made my case for me.

You have shown that you didn't come about being a StupidOldFart accidentally. You have proven beyond any doubt that since you crossed the threshold of; "once a StupidOldFart, always a StupidOldFart!"
budman33's Avatar
Hey, Obama tweeted that stupid pic, not me. I don't care when it was taken, this is what he tweets while the Middle East is burning. It's a slap in the face of everyone who thinks we ought to have a serious President with a serious foreign policy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
to clarify, His campaign tweeted the pic. Not the president himself. tiny difference that you won't care about.
It's a slap in the face of everyone who thinks we ought to have a serious President with a serious foreign policy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Apparently the historic and "serious US foreign policy" event that occurred on May 2, 2011 escaped your attention. That does not surprise me. StupidOldFart sees what he wants want to see and hears what you want to hear. Facts be damned!

And that my friends is exactly why he is known far and wide as a StupidOldFart!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Apparently the historic and "serious US foreign policy" event that occurred on May 2, 2011 escaped your attention. That does not surprise me. StupidOldFart sees what he wants want to see and hears what you want to hear. Facts be damned!

And that my friends is exactly why he is known far and wide as a StupidOldFart! Originally Posted by bigtex
Apparently the historic lack of a functional foreign policy -- evident in eventS that include the death of a U.S. ambassador on September 11, 2012 -- has escaped your attention.
COG is more of a TRUE American than 1 dozen of you Obuttlickers...Maybe 100 or more. or thousands..LOL
COG is more of a TRUE American than 1 dozen of you Obuttlickers...Maybe 100 or more. or thousands..LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Damn Iffy, I see you're back at it again. You said you were going to quit sucking StupidOldFarts itty bitty teenie weenie 'cuz the jizz gave you heartburn!

Old habits are hard to break, aren't they Iffy!