joe bloe's Avatar
This video satirizes the stupidity of undecided voters. Choosing Romney over Obama is like choosing life over death; it shouldn't be a tough decision.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I'm sure the producers of Saturday Night Life intended the video to be funny.

However, the ignorance of the undecided voters is really rampant and that is not funny!

. . . That such voters can decide this election is truly scary!

SNL is a comedy show isn't it?
SEE3772's Avatar
The Federal Reserve (a non-elected, independent, private bank) since 1913 has controlled Americas monetary policy. The FEDS dual mandate, Price Stability & Full Employment... and the FED issues the currency. Sounds like a dictatorship to me.
Oh, and there are more than two presidential candidness... - Just one more example of how the media along with mindless shows like SNL promote disinformation witch most of the time leads to groupthink.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
the best humor is rooted in the thruth.
joe bloe's Avatar
SNL is a comedy show isn't it? Originally Posted by ekim008
TheDaliLama's Avatar
the best humor is rooted in the thruth. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Ya thinck?