Feds Train "Clergy Response Teams" To "Quell Dissent" During Martial Law, Pastors Will Cite Romans 13 To Encourage Public's Submission.

SEE3772's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
Getting the clergy to assist the government in taking your freedom has been done before. The communists got Catholic clergy to tell their flock that communism and Christianity were compatable in Latin America in the fifties and sixties.

It's called liberation theology. The government used this technique in Peru, Uruguay, Brazil and El Salvadaor. Jeremiah Wright practices and preaches what is called black liberation theology, which is a melding of Marxism, racism and a perverted form of Christianity. That's Obama's religion, in case anyone has forgotten.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Getting the clergy to assist the government in taking your freedom has been done before. The communists got Catholic clergy to tell their flock that communism and Christianity were compatable in Latin America in the fifties and sixties.

It's called liberation theology. The government used this technique in Peru, Uruguay, Brazil and El Salvadaor. Jeremiah Wright practices and preaches what is called black liberation theology, which is a melding of Marxism, racism and a perverted form of Christianity. That's Obama's religion, in case anyone has forgotten.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_theology Originally Posted by joe bloe
they're just taking a page from that to as a way to calm down the public, but its not liberation theology. just a tactic.