Hobby phone numbers

Starry69's Avatar
I let my Google voice number expire a while ago and now I'm thinking of getting another one. Before I do I thought I'd ask your opinions on if there are better options out there?

Thanks for any replies
How does a GV number expire? I use a voip box to get free phone service and i have yet to spend any money for service
dumars's Avatar
You can have as many GV numbers as you have phone numbers and gmail accounts! Google is a little more stringent than others but I have gotten away with using my Magic Jack number on a second GV/gmail account for years!

Right now I have 6 numbers, 4 I can call from/to my iPhone, other two I have never tried. I generally text (only) from 4 of the numbers to/from iPhone/iPad! I have not tried to call/text from any of the 3 numbers from/to my Windows computer.

Confused yet?

I let my Google voice number expire a while ago and now I'm thinking of getting another one. Before I do I thought I'd ask your opinions on if there are better options out there?

Thanks for any replies Originally Posted by Starry69