iso damage control help

LordBigHorn's Avatar
i have been an active hobbyist for over 20 yrs. began when aspd was around & have been w/eccie for a while. the reason i'm seeking damage control help is b/c there are a couple of extremely untrue & vicious alerts out there about me that providers have sent me screen shots of when they are attempting to verify me. i have let it go for a while, but it has gotten to the point where it is making my being an active hobbyist just about impossible. it should be fairly easy for anyone to find the alerts i'm referring to, but if someone needs to see them, please pm me & i will gladly share my phone number that the alerts are listed under.

both alerts that i am referring to accuse me of violent actions. one towards the personal property of a provider & one towards the actual provider. both of these accusations are completely & utterly false & were posted in retribution. one alert i believe was posted in retaliation for a negative rvw. the other i believe was posted to shame me for calling out (not publicly however) a provider for sharing very dated & inaccurate pix & i cancelled our appt b/c of it.

i am in my late 40's & am not a violent person @ all. i have been in one true fight in my life & it was a result of having to defend myself in the 6th grade. now, i can be an asshole, but only if warranted & if provoked & if i feel that kind of response is needed or justified. however, i have never & would never be violent nor even physically aggressive in any encounter w/a provider. i would simply remove myself from the situation &/or environment.

there are alerts out there on me for calling out providers who share dated or inaccurate pix & for running a bait & switch & i will continue to do that. that is dishonest & extremely shady & has no place on the boards. as hobbyists we are expected to be verified & transparent & the same should be expected of providers.

there are also alerts out there for me leaving appointments claiming i forgot my wallet in the car. this is absolutely true. however, it has only been done @ the beginning of an appt & b/c someone clearly misrepresented themselves in their photos or b/c the environment made me feel unsafe. if a provider has been dishonest in representing themselves to a hobbyist we owe them nothing & if i walk into a session & they have clearly used fake or dated or inaccurate pix & i do not wish to see them, i leave & i am under zero obligation to leave any donation. now, if i feel my desire to leave is just due to my issues, i will leave all or a partial donation.

i love women. i love the women in my life ... young & old. i love women of all races & ethnicities. i would absolutely never raise my hand to a woman & i would never do anything to make a woman feel unsafe nor disrespected. i would never strike a woman nor damage her property.

i am seeking help in restoring my reputation if possible now that eccie is live again. i love the hobby & believe we all have the freedom to enjoy it & profit from it. i believe it should be legal & sex-workers should have the same rights as any other working individual in our society.

so, if there is any provider that is willing to help me get my hobby reputation back to a good point, please pm me. please know that i am rather picky on who i see. i have my own set of preferences mostly concerning age & body type, so i will likely not accept every offer given & that is not to discount anyone offering to help ... it's just that only certain physical attributes get me to a point of sexual fulfillment.

if there are providers who have issue w/me & feel that i have wronged them in some way & want to air it out, feel free to comment & hopefully we can resolve any negativity.

if there are any fellow hobbyists that want to offer insight &/or wisdom ... please do so.

my apologies for the lengthy post. so glad eccie is back! looking fwd to good hobbying for all!
I think you need to name the providers if they are sharing screenshots of posts in private areas...

I wish you the best of luck at restoring your hobby reputation...I myself have had to do this about a year or so’s not easy but is possible....
Right Ana....FUCKING "LEAKERS" still here.
dang. DAY ONE!
LordBigHorn's Avatar
analeese, i wish i knew for certain the providers posting that stuff. i am fairly confident in who has done it, but i don't want to falsely accuse. if i knew for certain, i would call them out 100%. i appreciate the comment
LordBigHorn's Avatar
cage, figured day 1 was as good a time as any, ha.
dude any drama that was before the crash was probably forgotten.
leslie@nn's Avatar
Why is any lady sending screenshots of a LADYS ONLY AREA to anyone without access to that area?
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Because they are dumb bitches...and dumb bitches run rampant...
And assholes are assholes that pretend they are not assholes when their pathological assholeness catches up to them...smmfh