Pictures in Reviews or ROS

I want to personally Thank the guy's that take the time to post pictures in Reviews or ROS or Both and to the Lovely Ladies that Allow them too.

When i have time to read reviews, I find myself skipping to the ones with pictures in them, and read them first. I just love knowing that a hobbyist took that pic and it's current and not photo-shopped.

How many hobbyists find themselfs reading those reviews first?
How many Ladies found an increase in business because you allow them too?

Great job guy's,
I do. I always want to see the ladies unphotoshopped.
falconbueller's Avatar
I always wonder about taking them. The girls I tend to see have never allowed it.
daty/o's Avatar
CG, I agree that those who post pics with their reviews are going above and beyond to provide information to their fellow hobbyists. And I, too, applaud their efforts. It definitely goes a long way in helping the decision making process. In fact, occasionally, one might even make me want to see a provider that I had not noticed before. That said, my main focus has always been reviews of providers that I already had an interest in. And to that end, I still rely on information from guys whose opinions I have grown to trust; pictures or no pictures. Fortunately for me, many of them are one and the same. I just hope that guys don't stop writing reviews because they feel compelled to include pictures. The purpose of this site is to exchange information. I appreciate everybody that contributes. To me, it's all valuable.
I don't think it will. A lot if ladies don't want the pics and a lot if guys don't want to have to hide them (the ones that do).
Pics will never tell the whole story. I mean the "hot water treatment" would never be revealed with a maybe. But not a pic.
As long as they ASK to take the pics.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 01-30-2014, 10:05 PM
I agree pics are valuable and tell me alot! With all the fake pics going around often times it seals my decision. I too would post pics if it was easier, just to return the favor. Thank u
muffin101's Avatar
I like to take pics and vids to cut down my hobbying.

This dick is doing evil things to my bank accounts.
Copierguy0, I like the pics in reviews and am quicker to read the reviews that have them. I rarely look at the websites of providers because the pictures are professionally done and enhanced to the extent that they don't give an accurate representation of how the provider looks. That misrepresentation also extends to most of the showcase pics which show flawless skin when in actuality there are blemishes and often hail damage. I remember the first time I was at a night club with several providers and hobbyists. Man, did I ever have a rude awakening.

I've seen some showcase in which the ladies have professionally done glamour shots with too much make-up and "trying to be sexy" poses that IMHO detract from their natural beauty. WALDT, so maybe that is more effective marketing; who am I to judge. However, I think the providers would have been better served with just some good pictures from a hobbyist with a little photography knowledge and a decent camera. Pics or no pics, the reviews are still very valuable as a research tool for me.
I must disagree. Far too many of the pics included in reviews are so unflattering that they are a huge turn off. I realize taste varies, and I also recognize that some glamor shots are pure fiction. But I see very few review pics or videos that increase me interest. Most show the provider in a bad way and also do not reflect well on the reviewer. Just my opinion.
rcg001's Avatar
I always ask permission to take photos and most have agreed.
I have taken many pictures of the ladies and it is to commemorate the event as much as it is to enhance the review. Here are a few:




I have others, but sometimes the lady requests that it just be for me and not the general public.
I know generally speaking that guys post pics to help bolster the review or the providers image, but more often than not, from the pics that get posted, it deters me from wanting to see the provider.
Tom_Cat's Avatar
I want to personally Thank the guy's that take the time to post pictures in Reviews or ROS or Both and to the Lovely Ladies that Allow them too. Originally Posted by Copierguy0
I agree with you whole heartedly CG!

I generally read reviews with pics first.

When I post a pic in a review, I always email the selected pic to the lady first to get her blessing, and make sure she likes the pic first, before sharing.
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 01-31-2014, 11:20 PM
I See value in them being provided, but I feel they should not be included.

The lady never knows what issues she may have down the road with custody or any legal or SO events in their lives.
TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
I am indifferent to the pictures. I have never seen pictures, in a review, that made me want to see one of the ladies. I have seen pictures that made me NOT want to see her.

But as far as the videos go, as I have mentioned in a recent review, two thumbs down!