you have done it a bunch of times
well that does not mean you have stopped
i have stopped many times twice for a year but i was back at it
anyways what have you done this time and how long do you plan to stay away and if its permanent how would you go about it
Quitting is just waiting on the first bit of stress to start back up again. I never quit smoking anything! I just don't do it anymore.
I kept half a pack of smokes and one of my favorite cigars around so I never freaked out that I didn't have a fix. After they turned crunchy and gross the urges subsided enough that I didn't need the crutch and I threw them all away.
SweetD... if you really did give up smokes.. congrats! If you start Jonesing.. I'd be happy to distract you away from them for an hour or two!
AS the sexy alexis said Vaping is the way.....I went from a pack of new ports to blueberry cheesecake vape with no carcinogens=no cancer risks /////the actual smoke is ur enemy...unless of course ur in colorado