Using Provider Refrences..

Ok, I understand that everybody has their own thing.. some don't take ref's from ladies they don't personally know, some ladies don't give ref's, some ladies will accept a call, email or text from others.. but here's my deal..
Ladies, if you choose to not give a refrence, or you don't remember the guy or whatever the case maybe.. if a fellow provider text you, calls or emails... at least give the common curtiosy to say it's not your thing... dont just leave a girl hanging.. remember, we ARE doing this for safety.. right??

I'm not trying to step on toes or whatever .. but it's SO fuckin rude when your efforts to be safe go unnoticed & unresponded too..
Seriously, don't be a bitch.. just say something...
.. anything.. I know I'm just looking out for me and mine.. least you could do is say something..
... Just sayin..
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Lots of ladies do give refrences with no problem me being one of them... you just ran into a bad apple....

Also that is why you need to get like 3 refrences in case one doesnt answer.

You must remember that jealousy can sometimes get in the way too... Say a girl hasnt had an appt in a few days then the one call she does get is to refrence for some other girl getting an appointment... She may not answer due to these circumstances.