Marketing tools.. Thoughts?

Hobbyists: how do you feel when you see a provider run a special/ "challenge" a month after another provider who originally came up with the "challenge"? Does a provider who doesn't create their own marketing tools turn you off? Or does it have no effect at all? Does our originality have anything to do with you contacting us? Does one provider stealing another's marketing tools have any affect on you seeing either one? Just curious how the hobbyists feel about our marketing strategies. And providers: how do you feel when you try to come up with something to be original and after you are done with it you see another provider, with whom you've had no prior contact, using it to market themselves?
That's what it's all about--setting yourself apart and making the offer irresistible.
I think sometimes some providers go too far and leave not a lot to the imagination. But at the same time, there are guys who want that über dirty spark to take the plunge.
So I guess you just do what works for you that fits your persona.
But when a provider uses the same thing that another provider came up with the month before... Do you guys notice? I know we should fit out persona but does it show that a provider is being un-original when they run the same marketing as a different provider did just a few days prior?
pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos are an awesome marketing tool.
Lol I guess I'll have to take some! I always give the taint some lovin'
OldGrump's Avatar
Jillian, a phrase much older than most of the people on this board is in order: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

With your creativity, you'll stay in front with your marketing programs. Remember what you learn because it will serve you well in many aspects of your life.

You could sell tickets to any presentation you may make for a marketing position at AT&T for example, but Google would be more likely to hire you.

Keep the fun and enthusiasm going and don't look back.
Thank you OldGrump! Really, thank you! You are so very right! (And that made me feel a lot better!)
melannie_star's Avatar
+ 1 on what oldgrump said. I will have to give it to you, the "jillian challenge" was a one of a kind. You should be flattered. Some one who may not be getting as much business, may have saw how it worked for you. I understand you may feel robbed by your idea, but just take it and run with it. I hate to say this, but it was made so public that I kinda saw that one coming from a mile away. Kudo's to you for not only starting the challenge, but actually going through with it till the very end!
Now that is dedication
Best of wishes for you JP!
Thanks Melannie! Sometimes I just need a smack in the head to see things straight. I think it's the stubborn Boston girl in me. But the men have spoken. I have a new challenge in the works for February that will be posted soon. A new girls gotta think of something to generate some traffic

Thank you all for your kind words. This is the end if my rant/ complaining! I graciously bow out.
I would take it as a form of flattery. I did something similar to your challenge 3 or 4 weeks ago and it turned out well. Mine wasn't about # of pops in a session but it was kinda similar and I only did it for 4 days. I happened to see your challenge last week as I was perusing the Dallas section and thought your idea was very cute. I don't mind someone using my idea and adding their twist to it, so feel free to try my game if you like.

I wouldn't say the providers who are doing challenges or your challenge are hard up for money or copying you or whatever you think. I would say they probably thought you did an amazing challenge and it sounds like fun and you should be flattered. Unless it's patented, it's free to use.

Here's a link (providers can only read this, sorry guys) that is about the whole "unoriginality/copying" thing:

Just keep adding your own twists to your challenges. Hell, that guy posted that link the other day about "records being broken" and after you looked at it (, you posted that you were gonna do a challenge to see which guy could shoot the farthest: Wouldn't you say that is un-original to use the idea for your challenge? You can't expect another provider to look at that and not wonder if a challenge like that would be fun, and then not use that idea.

I think it's useless to be catty and nitpick every ad because someone did something similar or just like yours. There's a gazillion women on this board who do BNG's and long, drawn out bbbj's. It wasn't your idea so others will do it too. Just worry about your own business and you will do just fine, darlin. You're a cutie pie and you probably have a wonderful service to offer. Your challenges should be fun and it breaks up the monotony, right?

I wish you the best. Since you say you're a new provider, it's best to just have fun, show off your awesome personality, do a great job each and every time, and don't post drama. As a provider back home where I live says: "worry about what's in your own backyard".

Have a wonderful rest of the week, Jillian, and even more amazing challenges.


I understand that maybe I shouldn't have posted this. In the heat of the moment after seeing the same marketing I used in another girls signature (in a co-ed or alert thread; not trolling provider ads), it irritated me and I jumped the gun. As for being unoriginal using an idea of a hobbyist as my February challenge, I don't find that unoriginal. I find it catering to what people want. And I don't expect other providers to think it wouldn't be fun but to put myself in their shoes I would've PM'd them and been like "hey that was an awesome idea you had, mind if I do one of my own?" And I don't mind someone using my idea and adding their own twist to it but to just take it and copy and paste it is another story. If you want to use it and think it will be fun or work for you that's great. But if I wasn't going to add my own twist to it and was just taking it as is, I would ask first. As I said before though I jumped the gun. My complaint/rant was ended after a much needed shake and slap up side the head.
I totally understand. Using it verbatim was probably poor judgment on their part. You are more than welcome to take a look at my Pop that Pecker Game I posted a few weeks ago. Tweak it if you need to.
Thanks Hun.
Rule #1, don't worry about what others have done, are doing or may do. Focus on yourself and your business.

There are always examples of a business copying marketing strategies, those are the ones trying to catch up to the best.

JP, You are doing a great job, your ideas are fresh, well presented and you are not afraid to take risks. Your marketing is yours, there are only so many ideas to go around. Take something and tweak it to your own. If it gets copied later, they will always be in second place following you
thank you!