Teachers having sex with students

There is hardly a week that goes by with out another teacher being charged. Damn they should realize that the kids won't keep their mouths shut. Where were those teachers when I was young? There were a couple of young teachers when I was in high school that were hot'
pyramider's Avatar
Cave woman hot?
Female teachers hot for boys are ephebophiliacs (Google it), no diff from men who seek out teen girls. But this is in fact fairly common all throughout human history. Human beings naturally desire to mate with sexually capable people. Age isn't too relevant to our desires. However the matter of social acceptability is relevant to our ability to control ourselves. Each of us is for example capable of murder. The law prohibits murder not bc ppl are unlikely to commit it, but bc people *are*. There are a lot of bad behaviors for which there is no law against them, only bc ppl are unlikely to do them and so no one's thought to pass a law against them. Adults banging teens is unlawful because indeed, we'd happily do so if allowed to.

These pupil-fucking woman teachers we read about are women who simply can't or won't control themselves in re their sexual attraction to teen boys. They are as predatory and conniving as men who become HS teachers for the purpose of getting close to teen girls so they can fuck them. Difference is, in our society/legal system, women tend to get a "pussy-pass". Women are much less likely to be punished for all manner of crimes, incl. sex crimes vs. minors. Or if punished, not nearly as badly as men get punished.

And so it goes.
Pity it seems women teachers who do shag their male students, are NOT often charged anywhere near as much as the male ones who shag female students, OR when they do get charged, its rare as hell to see them get anywhere near the same punishment..
beguilingvoice's Avatar
1st there was at least 1 very hot teacher from my 7th - 12th grade. Atleast me and my best friends thought.

There was this science teacher that was a single mom of 2 that at the time. I thought of as a mom and never had sexual fantasies about.
My best friend started getting high everyday before school and found him self repeating her class the next year.
Two years in a row with him in class was
too much for her, one afternoon they were alone in her class and she kissed him.
He being young dumb and thinking " oh gross your old " pasted on getting his cock sucked as often as he liked.
Me I was nerdy and looked at porn daily would have cum 4 times a day in that mommy and had snacks to boot.
The onlything she would have worried about was keeping it from her kids.

So what I'm saying is I would'nt had told anyone( unless she was into being gangbanged by my D&D group ). Why tell my buddies that thought only the hottest girl was good engough to bang boots with.
joesmo888's Avatar
it has always happened.. you hear more about it nowadays because of social media and kids can't keep their mouths shut.

also high school female teachers are typically ugly for a reason. they hire the hot ones to teach elementary school
ICU 812's Avatar
Where were all these young cougars when I was in High /school back in the 1960s?

We had a coluple of teachers that were just out of college hot and one or two that were MILF hot.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I agree with ICU. Where the hell were these teachers when I was in scholl in the 1960's-70's??? Our teachers were mostly in their 50's or older.

What we had for teachers were former concentration camp guards. Sex never came to my mind in regard to any female teacher. They were sadistic and would beat the hell out of you at the drop of a hat. Chewing gum, talking, sleeping, burping, farting, disrespect, and a list of other minor infractions would bring swift action in the form of a paddle across your ass or a thick wood ruller across your hands if you were a girl. Cursing, fighting or acting out in class would really bring down the rath of Satin upon you.

Those teachers, young or old, did not tolerate any BS nor were they there to have sex with the students. There were there to teach and rule with an iron fist. Students learned, discipline problems were virtually nonexistent and students were not sexually abused. I will reserve comment on physical abuse for now.

The do-gooders who are running the education system in this country today would do well to take notes from how things were done in the "Old School." Oh, and one more thing. In the "Old School," everybody did not get a trophy. The winners got a trophy and the loosers got to go home and get better or just continue to be a looser but they didn't get a trophy just for showing up!!! I believe this is a reason you have so many 20 and 30 something year olds still living at home mooching off mama or daddy. Society raised them to think it's okay to be a looser. js
InYoEyez's Avatar
one of my exes is a teacher, she is unmarried, no kids, 28 and still very hot
i feel bad for those kids she teaches, perpetual blue balls
maybe we could change the name of the websites? tccie instead of eccie? erotic teacher instead of erotic monkey?