That moment when you're putting the final touches on review and computer restarts for updates.

Need i say more other than damn damn damn.
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Is it hard to write reviews?
Well, it's best to use another source to type them and save periodically in case that happens. Or set the windows update for when you want to update it yourself rather than automatically. Or set a time like afternoon during the week when you're not home to auto update or while you sleep. But yes, that could possibly suck if that happens.

Orchids, can be a lengthy process to type them. Especially if there is formatting of text or just a long review and the work is not saved beforehand. Seems everyone just wants pics and vids these days anyhow. May have to quit writing here and publish a book. And hope my pc doesn't update on me either.
moebeedick's Avatar
Is it hard to write reviews? Originally Posted by *.EnticingOrchids.*
I wouldn't say it's hard, but it sucks when you feel you have written an entertaining/informative review and then everything is gone. It's hard to word it the same way and sometimes you just ponder whether you want to sit there and write it all again, lol!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-15-2015, 11:17 PM
First of all, I never have anything on my computer apply any update automatically. I always choose the option of just notifying me if any updates are available. There are reasons why the leading edge is often called the bleeding edge.

When composing a review, you may want to first compose the ROS part of the review offline in Notepad or Word or something else similar. Then when you go online to post the review copy and paste the composed ROS.
I usually start them on Word, but tonight I thought 'no problem'. My computer had already updated earlier today so I thought 'no problem'. I could write a quick crappy review but that wouldn't be any fun. Some gents write reviews on the ladies like they were test driving a car or trying a new appliance. I prefer to entertain the readers, although I was once chastised by a member for not sticking to the actual literal facts of the meeting such as saying 'her tits were the biggest I've ever seen' and being told 'well according to her profile her measurements are XX and although they may be of a larger size they could hardly be the biggest....'
Is it hard to write reviews? Originally Posted by *.EnticingOrchids.*
Not necessarily. But some of us like our ROS's to read like erotic non-fiction if we've had an especially good time.

Believe it or not, in such cases, I've spent as much time paring down my ROS as writing the initial draft, trying to provide tantalizing, highly descriptive detail, yet not getting so long-winded as to bore or lose my readers. I once spent six to eight hours on a pair of related reviews. (Yes, she was that good; and it was a dinner date that ended up spanning two days.)

On Dr. Grey's and Mokoa's suggestions: I've actually gone one better -- brought up a review template; hit "Reply"; then copied the template to an off-line document (e.g., Notepad or Word), then filled out all the publicly visible entries as well as the ROS. Then, when ready to submit the review, I log back on, call up a template, and copy-and-paste the entries and ROS from my off-line source into the appropriate template "windows", using the Ctrl-C key combo to copy and the Ctrl-V to paste.
BigGuy13's Avatar
It usually takes me about an hour plus to write a review. I try to incorporate enough descriptive details so that the reader can make an informed decision on if they want to spend their time and money. Luckily, so far I have not written a "NO" review (knock on wood), but I have written a couple "I recommend, but I would not go back again as she just wasn't for me". Those actually took longer, as I wanted to make sure that I expressed my reasons in a way that was fair and honest to the lady.
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Wow that sucks! ! I was over here bitching about working on my showcase and new ad's. Keep on the mighty fine work gentledude's
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Lololol Von!