Google Chrome Spell Check...

my Google Chrome spellchecker was working just fine, then it stopped working,,,it shows spelling errors, but doesn't offer up corrections......this happens in all web sites including ECCIE and others.....

I have followed the Chrome troubleshooting directions but it doesn't solve the problem...

Help/advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You probably just picked up some malware virus infection.

. . . Either that or you're a Republican and probably can't spell potato even with a spell checker!

chicagoboy's Avatar
Spell Checker is for wimps.
Lapdog's Avatar
Why don't you just learn how to spell?
Kudos to Lapdog and chcagoboy!! +1 Learn to spell and learn grammar too!

Spell check is an epitome of the "dumbing down" of society. Even if you use it, it will not use the correct spelling for the context of the sentence, as in their/there/they're and your/you're just to name a few common examples. Now to mention my favorite one to hate: using an apostrophe to indicate plural @#$%^ as in "There were 11 player's on the field."
They probably don't want to hear?here(I'm confused) this but spelling and grammar is one basic benchmark I use when evaluating a provider's claim that she is intelligent, etc. If she can't write and spell, then she is either not so bright, or she just doesn't care to pay attention to detail...which I consider important...Nuff said.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-27-2013, 11:20 AM
If you are not going to offer any assistance that is relevant to the OP's question then perhaps you should just move on to another thread and not hijack this one.

Lapdog's Avatar
My assistance IS relevant to his question. He needs to learn to spell. This kind of shit makes us all look like a nation of ignorant dumbasses.
Gotyour6's Avatar
So maybe he is ignorant and wants a spell checker.

Back on topic..

You can try and uninstall it then reinstall it or right click on a word you type and click spell check options.

Just because spell check is used doesn't make one ignorant. He doesn't need to learn how to spell, he needs what is broken fixed.