Best 'tippers', Men or Women??

I was browsing the HDH section which I do from time to time and saw a thread about tipping, rates, etc..
My experience is limited to bars only..
One person said Women are the best tippers,,

Well that is true only if they are current or former Waitress, Bar Tender, etc....but regular run of mill women are not the best tippers!!!! many act entitled to freebies( as do some men)

I was a Doorman at a bar from 1994-1996 and just about every woman( that was coming in without a man or date) wanted me to let them in free!! they would rub their titties on me flirt etc.. I never buckled ...We had to pay for the band that was what the cover was for.

So in your opinion who are the worst tippers?
Guest092815's Avatar
I bee-lieve women may be better tippers, but I have no evidence that is the case. I know I used to get tips often, but not anymore. My services have improved, but the economy hasn't. I am hoping that is the reason...

For me personally, in restaurants and bars I generally tip men 15%-20% and women 20%-25%. However, if the waitress is especially cute or flirty, I'll go up to 50%. I once tipped a waitress $100 on a $30 tab, which got me a phone number, which led to a couple weeks worth of sex.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-01-2010, 04:30 PM
College students suck, as a general rule.
Ready2Rock's Avatar
Women definitely. I had a lady jump all over me (no, not like that) for tipping a beer vendor 2 bucks for a 7-buck purchase at a Spurs game. She gave him 2 dollars more. Damn ... that's a 57-percent tip??? Well, OK ... whatever.
College students suck, as a general rule. Originally Posted by Carl
and they don't tip too well either
I put myself through college waiting tables and bar tending. Without a doubt, men are better tippers unless they work in the service industry.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I used to notice when I dined out with friends that high tech workers were the worst tippers -- and they were usually male. I mean that when a large group of friends would get together and eat, the high tech workers would give lousy tips while all of the rest of us had to make up for their slack.

As a former waitress I would say that young women and any man under 60 are the best tippers. Middle aged women, in my experience, are the hardest to please and the stingiest with their tips. And the older I've gotten, the harder I am to please. I still tip well, but I'm far more likely to send something back these days. And I also find myself irritated when my dining companion tips over 25%. I'm turning into one of them!!!!

I always got my best tips from men because, quite honestly, I was a terrible waitress but a really sweet girl and I knew how to flirt. It's amazing how much money a single guy sitting all by himself will throw down just because you express interest in his reading material.

I have always been a hooker -- it just took me a while to realize my full potential.
rrrabbit's Avatar
When I go to a strip club, my money goes to the good waitresses - and not the dancers (I'm not much of a tbl dance dork).

If the waitress is on top of it, and I don't have to wave at her, then she gets a good tip.

On the other hand, if she's flirting her hiney off, but not taking care of my refills, I'll leave her her due - 17% and hope she gets the message when she comaplains about it to the other wait staff.

I don't think (IMHO), the question can be broken down to gender and/or age. The factos that make up the equation are a bit more invovled than just gin & tonic.
I used to notice when I dined out with friends that high tech workers were the worst tippers -- and they were usually male. I mean that when a large group of friends would get together and eat, the high tech workers would give lousy tips while all of the rest of us had to make up for their slack.
Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

that is Standard fair for Techies, Tech Engineers are the cheapest guys out there!!!!!!!! regardless of age
Whispers's Avatar
younger women in the service industry tend to be the best tippers in my opinion
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I was barteding at a hotel years ago. We had actually closed the hotel bar and restaraunt for the night. Just after this while cleaning up, the christian conference going on ended it's evening session. They pushed passed the closed sign and sat themselves. I hung around to help expedite food and then I planned on leaving once the servers had caught up. There were only 2 servers closing up.

I ran the food out for the girls waiting tables, and the people at the tables made it a point to let us know they were christians. They offered to pray for us etc...

Well I helped get the food out, then left to meet my friends at another bar. I found out when I worked the next shift that one particular table that had been especially vocal about their faith had "neglected" to tip their server. Their server happened to be one of the nicest, most maternal, generous hispanic ladies on the planet. She was truly a joy to work with. It broke my heart that they either: a) discriminated against her because of her appearance, or accident and or b) were just lousy at taking care of people who served them.

Anyone who waits tables knows that Sundays are the worst days to wait tables. The breakfast and lunch crowds can be huge, and the tips can be VERY light.

So male or female, the worst tippers are "christians". And maybe more specifically christians of the "born again" variety.
I’m not sure how many of you ever heard of Comdex. It was a computer trade show held in Las Vegas every year. It used to be the biggest trade show in the United States and 2nd biggest in the world.
Anyway, I was in Las Vegas back in like 1998 a few days before Comdex was scheduled to start. I said something about it to a bartender who explained that he and every other bartender, cab driver, cocktail waitress, doorman and other service people HATED the event. Tech people were horrible tippers.

Right after Comdex was the National Rodeo Finals. He said that was great, cowboys were great tippers…
Grecco's Avatar
Several moons ago I was a bartender for a period of +/- 2 and 1/2 years. During this time my experience in regards to who the best tippers were, from best to worse, are the following:

1. Other people from the service industry BY FAR!
2. Females between the ages of 23 to 50 (with me at least)
3. Males between the ages of 23 to 50 (although I had some regulars that rocked)
4. Pseudo-Gagnster "wannabes" and $30k millionaires (they both always liked showing off what they "had")
5. Young people in the financial industry (back then for some reason they seemed to always have a lot of cash and didn't mind parting with it, but don't think that's the case anymore)
6. My fellow minorities (I'm hispanic and always hated it when a fellow minority would leave me a $5 tip on a $100 bill)
7. Professionals (Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, etc... the more money they have the worse they tip.)
8. Seniors
9. College students (they are always broke)
10. Europeans and most people from South and Central America (Tipping is not customary so they basically don't tip unless they know and understand that servers live off their tips and it is still an up hill battle).

I think most of these still hold true today. I know it sounds bad because it sounds like stereotyping but If you don't believe me, ask any friend of yours who is a server today and they'll tell you
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Several moons ago I was a bartender for a period of +/- 2 and 1/2 years. During this time my experience in regards to who the best tippers were, from best to worse, are the following:

1. Other people from the service industry BY FAR!
2. Females between the ages of 23 to 50 (with me at least)
3. Males between the ages of 23 to 50 (although I had some regulars that rocked)
4. Pseudo-Gagnster "wannabes" and $30k millionaires (they both always liked showing off what they "had")
5. Young people in the financial industry (back then for some reason they seemed to always have a lot of cash and didn't mind parting with it, but don't think that's the case anymore)
6. My fellow minorities (I'm hispanic and always hated it when a fellow minority would leave me a $5 tip on a $100 bill)
7. Professionals (Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, etc... the more money they have the worse they tip.)
8. Seniors
9. College students (they are always broke)
10. Europeans and most people from South and Central America (Tipping is not customary so they basically don't tip unless they know and understand that servers live off their tips and it is still an up hill battle).

I think most of these still hold true today. I know it sounds bad because it sounds like stereotyping but If you don't believe me, ask any friend of yours who is a server today and they'll tell you Originally Posted by Grecco
I agree with that mostly, but I think college students tip better than seniors and minorities in my experience. And tipping is bad from all non-U.S. residents, including people from Asia and Africa, not just Europe and Latin America.