ANd the #1 spot on my Christmas list goes to...

I'm donating a percentage of my income to charity, increasing volunteer hours for my favorite local nonprofit, and making an extra effort to spend quality time with friends and family and show them how much I appreciate them.

So, yeah... I'm going to be a little selfish and materialistic.


Empire Labs Make-Your-Own-Dildo Kit

I know, I know. It's the greatest thing EVER.

So go ahead and share some really cool gift ideas with the rest of us.
You could use me as the mold?????????

I got this as an early X-mas present from my ex.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

...Cynthia "Plaster Caster" of the 21st Century.

Combine this with Wesson Oil™ Nude Twister™, and it's s sexy retro party in the making...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-01-2010, 09:47 PM

Empire Labs Make-Your-Own-Dildo Kit
Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
In the wrong hands, this could put The Notorious B.F.E out of business!
But, Ztonk... we all know that the B.F.E. is about so much more than the downstairs package... it's also about the packaging! We already have proof that the B.F.E. works on all kitties. We can't say the same about the custom dildos.
  • Paven
  • 12-04-2010, 01:20 PM
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I went through 3 kits to make one good one. You really have to get the timing right and have some help staying um....moldable for the duration.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-04-2010, 04:35 PM

Empire Labs Make-Your-Own-Dildo Kit

I know, I know. It's the greatest thing EVER.

So go ahead and share some really cool gift ideas with the rest of us. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
A hell of a way to be immortalized.

Rand Al'Thor is right...they are a pain. You must be very careful when sliding the plastic tubing over your business because if you touch the side wall it messes up the impression. Not to mention it makes a huge mess on the floor. Then you have to stand at attention for several minutes while staring at the mess it makes on the floor wondering why the hell you didn’t just go buy your wife, SO, self, etc. a damn phallix brand toy that can be heated up, chilled, and when done cleaned in a snap.
Whispers's Avatar
Do they make those kits in a smaller size at a lower price? I just would not need that much materials
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Do they make those kits in a smaller size at a lower price? I just would not need that much materials Originally Posted by Whispers
There you go, bragging again. Yes, because you're making a mold, the bigger you are, the less material you need.

I'm not saying this thing isn't worth it, an ex who was traveling found it to be fun. Just warning about using the mold, so you don't need to buy as many.
Whispers's Avatar
There you go, bragging again. Yes, because you're making a mold, the bigger you are, the less material you need.

I'm not saying this thing isn't worth it, an ex who was traveling found it to be fun. Just warning about using the mold, so you don't need to buy as many. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor

hmmm... Nope... I just I just thought it out wrong.
How did that person help you stay Moldable?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
hmmm... Nope... I just I just thought it out wrong. Originally Posted by Whispers
Hah, I know. Thought I'd give you a little ribbing for it.

How did that person help you stay Moldable? Originally Posted by Anonymous170
If you need this explained, I'm going to need a slide projector, laser pointer, duct tape, ball bearings, and a couple of volunteers..
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-06-2010, 01:54 PM
I must have been very good this year. I got my Christmas present early. I woke up this morning with a boner that was hard enough to cut diamonds. Unfortunately, I had no one to share it with. On the bright side, I was finally able to put up some pictures I'd been meaning to hang without driving to Lowe's to buy a tack hammer.