
I am feeling really sentimental right now. Our lives can change in an instant for better or worse. You never know when something or someone might leave your life. I will admit that when I first started providing I tried to stay as disconnected to clients as possible. I just wanted to do my job. My life has changed in ways I never thought possible in just a short year and a half. I guess my point is... the next time you look at the clock and rush him out the door remember he is a person too. No i don't do this...Im just sayn'. Maybe he lays there night after night next to someone who treats him like crap. Maybe he is a widow. Maybe his job sucks. Maybe he has had a shitty day.

The next time you visit her tell her thanks or maybe just tell her something truthful you like about her. She could probably use it. It's a tough place out here and sometimes we overlook the simple things.

Thank you to my hobby friends who helped me get thru my day today. I appreciate you.
DallasRain's Avatar
You're so right, Brit.

If someone had told me when I first entered the hobby that I would make some of my best friends here, and have some of the best times of my life with the people I met here, I would have laughed and called them an idiot. I used to be one of those women that never mixed business with my personal life. These days, it's become a bit fuzzy... but that's okay. I love the friends I've made here and don't regret a single moment of "going over time" or "spending time off the clock" with them. I've developed some very real affection for some of the people I've met in the hobby, and I'm thankful for that every day.

It's amazing to see how positive you are in light of all the crazy stuff that's happened to you today. I hope you know how much you're loved!
I couldn't agree more. I'm appreciative of the human connection. For me, I do have to actually like the person, real or not. The collateral benefit is that it is easy to be kind and gracious to someone you like. I have some very special friends, made possible only by these experiences. They will always be dear friends. I don't give up my friends easily. With them, the hobby is inconsequential.
So very true BB, thank you! Not sure what happened today but I wish you all the very best!
group hug!

but i am sorry to hear it sounds like you have had a rough day...
Not asking for sympathy...just feeling sentimental! We become so desensitized, both men and women in the hobby. It's nice to be reminded I am not a piece of meat. I am sure you guys are happy to be reminded your a not a dollar sign. Thats all I am sayn' really.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Wonderful thoughts Brit. I don't know what happened today, but I hope things are ok.
knotty man's Avatar
i compare my hobby life to being clark kent and wanting to tell the world your superman. i see all these beautiful women,women i never in my wildest dreams thought i could ever be with , and i want to shout it out to the world LOOK AT ME!! i have met some of the most amazing women here,. i feel that if youve never experienced a true GFE session .you will always have a somewhat skewered idea of what it really is, and thats a shame. cuz its one of the best feelings ive ever had. they can be incredibly intimate, both emotionally and physically. its unbelievable the freedom you feel to expose raw emotions when there is no "baggage" to follow it with.i never imagined the amount of caring and friendship that i would have with the ladies i have seen. i must admit , i came here for 1 reason and 1 reason only. all this came as a bonus i never thought would EVER happen. so, to all you lovely ladies thank for everything youve ever done for me and everything your GONNA do to me!! although it isnt said nearly enough, you are very very very much appreciated here
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
Britney- It sounds like you are a young lady wise beyond your years. Thanks for sharing.
Brit, sweetheart, I'm so glad something good came out of the bad day yesterday! A little silver lining at the end of the day!
  • Jax
  • 12-08-2010, 11:06 AM
Thanks for the thoughts, Brit. I have also enjoyed getting acquainted and making friends here.
Thanks for the thoughts, Brit. I have also enjoyed getting acquainted and making friends here. Originally Posted by Jax
. I plan to make more tomorrow, but I have to have a drink first. Big crowds are kind of overwhelming when you are used to so much one on one!! Ha ha
harkontume's Avatar
Nice one Brit. We are just after all people and we are all sometimes engaged with each other in the most intimate of human activity.

But be careful, more of this and you just wont be believable with that whip! jk
meow! I mean cheers! prosit! kempai!