Porn convention :)

I just spent today noon - 6:30 pm at the porn convention.
It was awesome! But that was more exhausting than 6.5 hours of having sex would be!!
Sooooooo much conversation. Non stop! I don't know how the girls do it for four days straight!!

Waiting in line for an hour 50 mins to meet Riley Reid probably helped wiping me out... The guy behind me was soooo exhausting! Funny how when we went back in to the joint part of the expo later on Riley was right there and there was no line. Doing a little play skit on the stage.. Then she came down in her skinny jeans.

Such a fun time! Now I must sleep so I can be social again tomorrow!! Lol lol!!!

Did anyone else go???
Sounds like you had fun!

I am going in today for peek. So excited!
Boltfan's Avatar
Amazing how many Dallas ladies are in town right now. I remember when the AVN was free with your CES badge. Many many years ago.
Me and my girlfriend Ciara went. It was so much fun! We bought toys and made friends. I couldn't believe how many guys wanted pics with us, you are right it was more exhausting then sex but soooo much fun!

It made me want to start producing my own amateur videos lol...
BSB - did you like it?

BoltFan - lots of guys from Dallas too.. I just got home and I met a few people who work for that boo Dallas football team.

Helena - the only toy that I bought was a glass screen for my iPhone! Lol! But yes, yes.... Soooo much brain stimulation!! But so worth it!
Amazing how many Dallas ladies are in town right now. I remember when the AVN was free with your CES badge. Many many years ago. Originally Posted by Boltfan

Is it invite only? Curious about what they would charge?
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