Extremely mad about fake review written!

So I contacted the mods as soon as I was messaged by another user saying they seen my recent review so in so fourth I go look at the new review exited about it and see that 1. I've never ever offered or preformed ANY Bare services my whole escorting career they are saying I did all types of Bare services 2. I've never been to San Diego working or for fun .. Pretty much I don't know who this person is they won't message me back idk if I can post the username in here but if I can let me know and I will post his Username... I'm just extremely pissed off I feel like that is definitely false advertisement to the ones who are interested in those services and are contacting me to see me and I don't like to BS my clients or future clients in very straight up in everything I do in my escorting and home life ... HELP GUYS idk what else to do they won't reply to my messages only the mods finally smfh
professoreccie's Avatar
This is the review she is referring to


so now you have heard both sides of the story so you can make up your own mind.
  • GNG
  • 05-10-2015, 03:59 PM
All types of bare services? All that's listed is BBBJ.

All things being equal, it's a positive review. But if you didn't actually see him, perhaps there's a San Diego based provider with a very similar name and he got confused.

Either way, not sure why your reaction is so vehement...
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 05-10-2015, 04:16 PM
I can see why shes upset.... If someone contacted her based on that review and expected to get bbbj instead of cbj that just leads to drama for her and a disgruntled guy that's going to trash her here in a review...

I'm looking at this from my point of view. I have no interest in CBJ at all and shes hot so if I seen she had a review stating she in fact was willing to provide the one particular service I would be looking for then to find out it wasn't offered I would be more than upset...

Lets face facts we all know what it is, the guy just joined less than a month ago, has one review wanted PA credit and posted a fake review. It's kinda despicable, so yeah I think she has more than enough reason to be upset. Just my two pennys....
Pretty much I agree with everything you have said @flip that is exactly why I'm mad I'm not one to false advertise service I don't offer its not right to the ones actually looking for that particular service .... Another thing that crossed my mind was maybe a girl is using my pictures in SD but I haven't even looked yet I'm gonna take a look now .... And to Sachs own I'm not a provider who offers any bare services at all so why would I want someone saying that about me lol come on now love let's be fair who wants to be called a thief if they really aren't one you know ? And I've tried contacting them but of course no response if you have seen me before why wouldn't you message back its a very new profile made days before that fake review was posted idk I'm just trying to figure it out that's all
i could have the most glowing 10/10 review on the planet that describes my dream date written by kevin james himself.
but if its fake, its fake. and i don't want it. it feels like a weird form of being violated that only one can understand once it has been done to them.

chin up giselle. perhaps you can ask a guy that you are on friendly terms with to link this post as a reply under the fake review so people will easily see your side.
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 05-10-2015, 05:10 PM
chin up giselle. perhaps you can ask a guy that you are on friendly terms with to link this post as a reply under the fake review so people will easily see your side.
xo Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
I don't even know her, and did just that...

Before someone says something stupid I'll preempt it right now. I've been that guy that's called someone based on someone's lame fake ass review. People that feel the need to post fake reviews for PA credit really need to just drink a gallon of bleach... yeah if you couldn't tell it might just annoy me a little LOL.
I appreciate everyone's feed back I just really want it removed it's not fair at all @alyesa I agree with you 100% if it's fake it's fake I do not want it at all period and it is like getting violated smfh
I feel ya. I have a fake one on ter right now. Says I do cof, swallow and was an hour late.
It's total bs. Fortunately ter has a somewhat standard removal policy.
Tomorrow is his final day to reply or they will remove it. But I have had to look at it for 6 days now! Makes my skin crawl.
I just want to know what to do now ? He isn't commenting or responding to me @professoreccie??
Boltfan's Avatar
Click on the triangle in the lower left corner of the review, called RTM, or Report to Moderator.

That being said, unless he comes out and says the review is fake you pretty much zero recourse. ECCIE doesn't have a policy where posters are required to validate their reviews if requested by a moderator.
professoreccie's Avatar
I just want to know what to do now ? He isn't commenting or responding to me @professoreccie?? Originally Posted by gisellegiannixxx
Since the guy stands by the review this is pretty much a he said she said situation. Both sides have been given the opportunity to state their side of the story so there is nothing else to be done from a staff perspective.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I'm confused Giselle-- How do you explain this if you have never been to San Diego to play....




Now the review may or may not be true but it is apparent that you have advertised your services in San Diego previously. Granted this was in 2014 but it's not a far stretch to believe you could have been back again since then.
Boltfan's Avatar

You have an LA number.

Ads posted in SD.

Review posted is SD.

Why posting your counter in Las Vegas?
I have never used a 323 number to advertise period all my numbers I've used have been in record ... Of course somebody STOLE My PICTURES apparently so how can you be confused females steal pictures and advertise as other providers everyday I am not one of those people I have had my pictures stolen numerous times that's why I started tagging my pictures but that hasn't stopped anybody from stealing them so what am I gonna do call every girl who steals my pictures and threatin then ?! No I didn't even know about those ads I'm currently in New Mexico so when did you see me ... Period in sticking to my story I NEVER SEEN HIM my whole ad , pictures and name was stolen only thing different was the number smfh