The Braces Are Off, But Now What?

Alright, I had the jaw surgery, the braces and now it's all healed and the finished product looks pretty damned good, if I do say so myself. My question is, I'd like to find a way to offer a discounted session to those guys who saw me while I had braces... Sort of a before and after Pepsi challenge kind of thing. I'm just having trouble figuring out the best way to advertise it, does anyone have any ideas? Do guys even care if a lady is wearing braces? I never asked that before because I was always a little bit afraid of the answer.
Hmm, great question. I would be a bit nervous of a BJ from a woman with braces. (Flashback to Jaws from the James Bond movies). Other than that, just post an ad for what your offering.
i think an ad like come have sex with me and save a couple bucks would work perfect. omg your body is outstanding i cant imagine any man who wouldnt kill to make love to you and save a few bucks.if someone did not like the braces for whaatever reason heres some advise.. enjoy doggie for an hour that ass is PERFECT
Personally, I could careless if she's wearing braces or not. Doesn't bother me. The only other thing I would suggest, is remeber the one's who've seen you while you had braces and when they call to set up their next appt... surprise them with the discount.

Of course that could be difficult Wynter givin' you're popularity. Soooo... many to keep track off... huh!

Good Luck with that though.

Trooper H
MuffinMan's Avatar
You had braces, Wynter?? When I left my head was always spinning so bad I'm surprised I even noticed you had a head! lol Wynnie, your braces never bothered me in the least, but when you return to Shreveport, I'll be glad to take the "Pepsi" challenge.
aRandyOne's Avatar
I loved the way you looked before and during the braces. You'd look beautiful in a feed sack.
Trooper, thanks so much, it's lovely to know that I'm popular. I just try and have fun, maybe that's what gives me an edge? Either way, I'm glad to hear that people are speaking well of me behind my back.

Muffy, I did indeed have braces and keep an eye out because I will be visiting Shreve here quite soon, and if I don't get to 'know the Muffin Man' a little better, I'm going to be *extremely* disappointed.

ARandy, thank you so much, I'll be sure and find one to wear at our next meeting. Never let it be said that I don't cater to my fans. ;D
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
You had braces, Wynter?? When I left my head was always spinning so bad I'm surprised I even noticed you had a head! l
MM Originally Posted by MuffinMan
+ 1,000,000 on that.
Braces, OMG and I've been seeing her over the last year. What else is new? I didn't realize she had them until someone stated that in a review. Oh well, with a smoking hot body like that and a PSE attitude, who cares?
i don't care about braces, it's nothing to be self conscious about

Congrats on getting them off!
Donnie, you're such a doll. Thanks for your compliments, I'll return it by saying that I'm sure I wouldn't be so much fun if you weren't absolutely fantastic yourself. This hobby is like tennis, it's a team sport and you're only as good as your partner.

Thanks Duke, I have to admit I was a little self concious about it while I had them on but now that I've got them off I feel as though it was *totally* worth it! I've gotten some photos done recently, so keep an eye out for the new smile once my photographer e-mails them over to me.
pmdelites's Avatar

having had braces for 13 months, i send you a deep kiss on your completion of the braces treatment!! just do what you can so they dont grow back to what they were.

also, one of the bestest bbbj was from a woman who had braces. the first time she did that, i had no idea she had braces. it was in-sucking-credible!!

i'm sure that you gave it all you had with them and will give even more w/out them!
Holy crap! With a body like that who cares about braces!!
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Hi Wynter,

I think the braces added to that schoolgirl / cheerleader appeal, I know..... I'm such a perv. But the guys are right..... You are way HOT with or without the braces. As far as specials go...... Remember I saw you before your surgery and braces removal.

You could start the ad: "Brace For The New Me, A Special For Old Friends".
"You Loved Me Before.... Cum Brace For the After"

Kinda silly I know.... But I'm bored!
flowerflower1's Avatar
come to college station and we will celebrate!!!
TXCwby6, I'm told that I look better in real life, you should come and test that theory.

Trailblazer, I actually think that those are pretty damned cute and things like that are exactly what I was looking for when I started this thread. Keep in mind I still laugh at the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers so I don't have the normal 'girl' sense of humor.

Flower, you can bet I'm going to visit College Station soon. I keep promising you that but I've just been waiting to get this perfect smile to show off to you. I'm betting you'll feel it was worth the wait. Besides, I need to pick up a few more Aggie shirts.