Hell Froze. I retired

tiggold's Avatar
Well something body text me at the wrong time and now the SO said no more........

With regret I have to retire from the Hobbie.

Those that know me know I've said this before but this time I'm told to retire...

Am I going to stay retired??????????????

Until I'm allow to I will have to retire........

Been fun but the PONY RIDE is over.

I'm sorry I missed out on the ones I wished to see.

Still have a few rewiews to do. I will do them. I guess I did get as much and it was fun.
Tex9401's Avatar
that is a major bummer.........at least you have the fun memories.
drez63's Avatar
good luck Tig! we'll miss ya round here..........pop in and say hi every now and then.........
Energizer's Avatar
Good luck Tig. You contribution to this board will be missed!
flexywun's Avatar
buy the SO a diamond necklace or something and come on back.
aww I'm sorry you have to leave us!

Hope to see you back around sometime soon!
Randall Creed's Avatar
So, can I have Brooke as an ATF now??

Shuttup Tigg

(inside joke mods, don't point me lol)

Lana Warren's Avatar
Yep, he'll be back to bother the hell out of me, again and again! LOL! Seriously, good luck to you, tig!
I wish you the best. I loved your posts. just hate that I never got the chance to meet you. Well hopefully if you come back?
misterburns's Avatar
Reminds me of the story about George Burns and his wife Gracie. He cheated on her and felt so bad about it he went out and bought his wife a mink coat. Thinking she didn't know about the affair, a few years went by and Gracie was quoted as saying "I wish George would have another affair. I need a new coat."
See ya around Tig. Good luck brotha!
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-12-2010, 11:28 AM
Well something body text me at the wrong time and now the SO said no more........ Originally Posted by tiggold
For guys with SOs, two words: hobby phone
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Luck, brother.