What's with the &^%$ Name Changes?

tazman68's Avatar
Ladies / Gents so what is it? Don't give me the SECURITY bull&*%#....

Name gets changed, email gets changed, pics gets changed, phone gets changed, BUT..... you can't change your body!!! If you have pesky A__hole you want to get rid of, he'll find you. He liked your body type the first time, so he'll find you under the new name. AND yes he could change HIS handle / P411 ID, etc. The only way to lose him is to leave town or business or LE action.
Don't give the 'family' issue, if you're blonde and big tits 5'4'' / 120, changing your hair color doesn't change the rest. I'm not pointing out any specific person here, just making a point.

I'm not here to discuss the 'security' one. I'm here to discuss..."oh my business sucks, so let's change my name and see if i can get the same guys to come see me."

This is a SERVICE industry!!! Provide good service and you'll have returning customers!!!! It's like the restaurant changing it's name and menu, but still has the same old chef who's cooking S___ks!!!!

Okay people beat me up!!! I just hate get duped!!!

Tell us how you really feel, but don't hold anything back this time

I think you should change your name to Alawicious Snuffleupagus just for the heck of it. Whaddya say?!
Well I don't see how you would be duped if you as you say recognize the lady from her pics or ads as being the same one.
Lots of reasons to change names. I don't know about security but you have to remember these are after all just "stage names". Maybe the lady just got tired of her old one and wanted a new persona.
You act like there is something wrong with the ladies to drum up more business by changing their names.
Uh. Sounds like good business sense to me.
To be honest though I am sure a fair amount change their names to get away from a negative review or more that was posted about them. Change their names and it doesn't come up with the negative review in search anymore.

Again lots of reasons for them to change them ,certainly nothing to get upset about.
tazman68's Avatar
It's not just one. I seen several / many changes and haven't fallen for it, but this one did a great photographic job giving a whole in look.

i like it Dannie.

Taz aka Alawicious Snuffleupagus
tazman68's Avatar
It's not just one. I seen several / many changes and haven't fallen for it, but this one did a great photographic job giving a whole in look.

i like it Dannie.

Taz aka Alawicious Snuffleupagus
Your thread made me laugh....sorry

Im getting kinda bored with my handle......im tired of saying lisa twice....and its awkward at the gatherings.

Please dont be mad at me..........okay ;-)
I've had the same name for the entire 3 years of being a companion. I really like my name and the clientele base I've built, so no reason to change.

But all name changes don't have to be negative. I know of several well reviewed ladies who changed their name for because they didn't like their old name any longer and wanted something new or because they were changing their business model as well.

When girls switch agencies, they will usually change names as well.

Girls who change names because of a negative reputation without working on their session or business skills will find themselves in an endless cycle of new names. If they didn't care enough to develop a postive image and reputation for the first or second name, I doubt anything said on this board will encourage them to do otherwise. Old habits die hard. She has to WANT to improve and then put in the work to do so.

If your not getting duped by these girls with new names and negative reputations, don't let it bother you. As always, reviews will be written and word will get around. Things usually have a way of coming full circle.

xoxo Sophie
I'm coming out of retirement and changing my name to: wait for it...wait...:


  • T-Can
  • 07-14-2010, 01:16 PM
I'm coming out of retirement and changing my name to: wait for it...wait...:


Kidding!! Originally Posted by Neotek
NeoDo is better!
tazman68's Avatar
Not liking you name is okay, because i've seem lasses say formerly or aka. i'm cool with that. lisa.lisa i support the change.

Taz aka Alawicious Snuffleupagus
You act like there is something wrong with the ladies to drum up more business by changing their names.
Uh. Sounds like good business sense to me.
To be honest though I am sure a fair amount change their names to get away from a negative review or more that was posted about them. Change their names and it doesn't come up with the negative review in search anymore.

Again lots of reasons for them to change them ,certainly nothing to get upset about. Originally Posted by looiecypher
That doesn't sit well with me at all. Kind of like "Mya" changing her name to "Miley" and coming back to dupe more hobbyists. I see a lot wrong with it. I don't think name changes should be allowed unless the Mods are convinced it is a legitimate security concern. If a company gives poor service and receives bad reviews so they change their name to get away from the rep...that shows that they don't care to rectify any problems or issues, just continue doing business as they feel fit.

As far as "re-inventing one's self" I have seen ladies change their name and announce ex: (Introducing, the new and improved AngelXXX - "SexyAngel"). Thus leaving a clear and public notice of transition.
why only bring me up lol
SweetAterPie's Avatar
why only bring me up lol Originally Posted by miley07
Because he is one of those few I told you about yesterday.
mastermind_1's Avatar
I have a good name switch I just noticed but I refuse to get in any of that drama.Yall keep your eyes open and you too will see who I am talking about......Lol,silly shit here at times,guess thats why I hobby.
The Scoffield Kid's Avatar
To be honest though I am sure a fair amount change their names to get away from a negative review or more that was posted about them. Change their names and it doesn't come up with the negative review in search anymore.

Again lots of reasons for them to change them ,certainly nothing to get upset about. Originally Posted by looiecypher

You just said it yourself. Changing a name to get away from bad reviews is nothing to get upset about? not sure I follow that logic.