One-a-day providers

secondHandNews's Avatar
Years ago there was a provider in this area who advertised as scheduling "at most one gentleman a day, if that." She focused on "quality over quantity" and did so at a good price point. She's no longer here but I'm curious whether you guys know of any other providers who are equally low volume.

I get that the majority of ladies don't "stack" appointments and that 2-3 per day is not unusual. But I'd like to find another like her so that I can avoid 1) getting rushed out the door because she has another appointment, or 2) having to rearrange my schedule to accommodate her timeslots. There's something very freeing about hearing, "Yes, I can see you on Tue anytime. Would you like to visit in the morning, afternoon, or evening?"

Btw, I pretty much limit myself to P4, ECCIE, and TER, but none of those sites makes it easy to find providers who limit themselves to one per day. I know that OH2 allows ads that I could search, but I'm not a member there; I've found it to be a poorly designed and administered site.
corona's Avatar
Check out Lana Archer, "Larcher" on OH2.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
It would not surprise me that many providers see one or two clients a day at most, especially given the fact that per their donations, they want what more than a person who makes well into the 6 figures on a per day basis.

However, they will still rush you out the door. After all, an hour is an hour if not less on most occasions.
The easy way is to select an older, over weigh, high priced provider. She will probably have only 1 hit a week, if that. Can't imagine a lady would turn a prospect down.