New to Eccie, any tips?

Hi! I am brand new to Eccie and wanted to ask you all what the best way to use it is! Any suggestions for making the most of my profile are welcome! Thank you!!!

My best advice:

Never start a land war in Asia.

(sorry, maybe some of you will get this)
OK - real best advice:

Don't take anyone here too seriously (including yourself)
lilylivered's Avatar
Welcome Kitty
Lol thank you!
Thanks!! xoxo
winn dixie's Avatar
Hi! I am brand new to Eccie and wanted to ask you all what the best way to use it is! Any suggestions for making the most of my profile are welcome! Thank you!!!

xoxo Originally Posted by KMBBWMILF
You'll find out why they call this forum Upset N Y
Oh no! lol1 Well all the local ladies and gentlemen I've met irl have been great! I'll try to stay out of trouble lol
Plastic Man's Avatar
Any suggestions for making the most of my profile are welcome! Originally Posted by KMBBWMILF
welcome funnel

...allow yer ...plastic man ...ta takes ya unders ...his shelterin ...wing
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
My best advice:

Never start a land war in Asia. Originally Posted by demonlover
Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!
Always listen to your Plastic Man!!
Always listen to your Plastic Man!! Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Never listen to Paulie!!
Rainbird4668's Avatar
Never listen to Paulie!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Twistedm3tal's Avatar
Welcome. You will find Theres a lot of simps on here.
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
Run. Run as fast as you can.