Democrats defunding the police - How is that working out ?

berryberry's Avatar
Crime is skyrocketing thanks to these idiotic Democrats Defunding the Police. This is the cost of liberal soft-on-crime and Defunding the Police policies.

Many people are not safe in their city

One example

berryberry's Avatar
And another example:

WATCH as Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong speaks after the city council voted cut millions away from his department's budget amid crime surge.
Iceman's Avatar
Portland is probably going to get even worse as their whole Rapid Response Team resigned.
The term 'defundthe police' is literally a kneejerk reaction. Period.

The only thing you will get if you actually defund them is more crime. Police need to be restructured so they help the communities they are in..

Going after crime is great. Doesn't stop crime. They need to be retrained on how to de-escalate situations and help improve the communities. they are in to lower crime.

Arresting drug dealers won't stop people from buying drugs. Go after the cause for people to start drugs.

Arresting people for petty theft won't stop people from stealing. Go after the reason they want to steal in the first place.
snoopy75's Avatar
Psaki says the the GOP are the ones "defunding" the police. Whole lotta mental gymnastics and gaslighting going on there.

You can't make this shit up.
The term 'defundthe police' is literally a kneejerk reaction. Period.

The only thing you will get if you actually defund them is more crime. Police need to be restructured so they help the communities they are in..

Going after crime is great. Doesn't stop crime. They need to be retrained on how to de-escalate situations and help improve the communities. they are in to lower crime.

Arresting drug dealers won't stop people from buying drugs. Go after the cause for people to start drugs.

Arresting people for petty theft won't stop people from stealing. Go after the reason they want to steal in the first place. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

I agree to an extent. However, There has been dozens of programs put in place to provide free college education for the poor. I know, I took advantage of it. Has the AA community taken advantage of it? On a large scale, obviously not. At some point that community needs to look in the mirror. The leaders of the AA community are doing nothing but race baiting and placing blame elsewhere. Does systemic racism play a part? Yes, but the AA community needs to realize nothing changes until the AA community assumes their responsibility and makes changes.
berryberry's Avatar
The term 'defundthe police' is literally a kneejerk reaction. Period.

The only thing you will get if you actually defund them is more crime. Police need to be restructured so they help the communities they are in..

Going after crime is great. Doesn't stop crime. They need to be retrained on how to de-escalate situations and help improve the communities. they are in to lower crime.

Arresting drug dealers won't stop people from buying drugs. Go after the cause for people to start drugs.

Arresting people for petty theft won't stop people from stealing. Go after the reason they want to steal in the first place. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Going after crime certainly deters crime. You can never stop all crime. But if you don't arrest drug dealers, thieves, murderers and other criminals - you just encourage more people to commit the same crimes
Going after crime certainly deters crime. You can never stop all crime. But if you don't arrest drug dealers, thieves, murderers and other criminals - you just encourage more people to commit the same crimes Originally Posted by berryberry

Right, I am not saying 'get rid of police', but rather, re-train police so they help the communities.

Don't ask me for details on HOW to do this, because I haven't the slightest clue. But when a POC (or not, even) starts to get afraid when they are confronting a police officer, then there is a fundamental problem with your society.

Ok, I lied. Just get a giant space rock to hit the Earth and cull the population.
That'll solve our problems
lustylad's Avatar
Right, I am not saying 'get rid of police', but rather, re-train police so they help the communities.

Don't ask me for details on HOW to do this, because I haven't the slightest clue. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
I wouldn't recommend something if I didn't have "the slightest clue" how to implement it. Why chime in on a topic you admit you know nothing about?

...when a POC (or not, even) starts to get afraid when they are confronting a police officer, then there is a fundamental problem with your society. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Nonsense. You're just spouting liberal pablum. Innocent people of any color know how to deal with the police calmly, respectfully and without fear.

I didn't detect any fear among the demonstrators who pelted the police with bricks and other projectiles during the BLM riots. Or the looters who robbed Macy's and torched other stores knowing that, even if arrested, they would be released immediately due to libtard "no bail" laws.

If we keep handcuffing the police instead of the criminals, making the men & women in blue afraid to go to work anymore... that's when you'll see "a fundamental problem with your society".
berryberry's Avatar
Nonsense. You're just spouting liberal pablum. Innocent people of any color know how to deal with the police calmly, respectfully and without fear.

I didn't detect any fear among the demonstrators who pelted the police with bricks and other projectiles during the BLM riots. Or the looters who robbed Macy's and torched other stores knowing that, even if arrested, they would be released immediately due to libtard "no bail" laws.

If we keep handcuffing the police instead of the criminals, making the men & women in blue afraid to go to work anymore... that's when you'll see "a fundamental problem with your society". Originally Posted by lustylad
Lusty nailed it !!!

And oh look, this is what happens when they try to appease the criminals:

Two armed robbers held up news crew as it interviewed Oakland's chief of violence prevention right outside of City Hall. Ironically Cespedes’ interview followed a press conference given by Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong, who criticized the City Council for defunding $18 million in funding for the police, part of which was meant to go to the violence prevention efforts in the city.
zip2121's Avatar
The irony of asking for more police on a hooker board.

We don't have too many police, we have too many laws and too many lawyers in positions of power.

Too many law enforcement levels/agencies maybe.

Nonsense. You're just spouting liberal pablum. Innocent people of any color know how to deal with the police calmly, respectfully and without fear.

I didn't detect any fear among the demonstrators who pelted the police with bricks and other projectiles during the BLM riots. Or the looters who robbed Macy's and torched other stores knowing that, even if arrested, they would be released immediately due to libtard "no bail" laws.

*Yes good point lusty , there was a definite lack of fear of the police on display on 1/6 too!
And I was amazed at all of the respect just oooozing forth as the capitol police were having the shit beaten out of them.
I don't recall seeing any bricks being thrown I did see quite a few other types of projectiles, a fire extinguisher, bear spray, crutches, well seemingly just about anything that was at hand!. I did see a lot of beating going on, and surprisingly it was the police being beaten, mainly with flag poles proudly displaying the Trump flag!
Riot shields violently taken from the police, and then those same police were beaten with those same shields!
Please straighten me out here, were those people BLM?
Chinese communists?
Was it the anarchist bomb throwers from the 19th century?
Perhaps it was British soldiers returning to finish the job they started in 1814?
No? Not any of them huh?
Then it must have been those pesky Trump Maga followers, you know those fascists, those pseudo conservatives, like Berry and yourself!
Whipped into a frenzy over the big lie, and then pointed like a gun at our capitol and our lawmakers by Berrys obvious love interest, our former traitor and chief Donald Trump!

*So your side of the aisle doesn't want to defund the police, they just figure dispense with all of that legislation, we'll just kill and maim them instead!
Help me out here!

If we keep handcuffing the police instead of the criminals, making the men & women in blue afraid to go to work anymore... that's when you'll see "a fundamental problem with your society".

*I didn't see much hand cuffing going on, but I did see quite a bit of fear in the faces of the capitol police that day!
And when those same police and mother Sicknick, asked those pusedo conservatives that call themselves our Republicans representatives to form a bipartisan commission to look into this, did those RINO"s actually say hell no!

*And before you tell me the libtards
Wouldnt play fair and would play partisan politics, remember Bengazi, you were shoving it up their asses for years!

*But one thing can be said about Bengazi, I seriously doubt Hillary and anything to do with the terrorists showing up there!

*You want to spout your holier than thou bullshit about crime, let's talk about this one.
Those other crimes pale in comparison! To poo poo this, affects your credibility!

*But I'm just being silly again right Berry? Originally Posted by lustylad
You all can go back to your platitudes, and bullshit now!
berryberry's Avatar
The irony of asking for more police on a hooker board.
Originally Posted by zip2121
What is so hard to understand about the need for enough police in place to deter crime, arrest criminals and help us live in a safe environment - while also understanding that what two consenting adults do behind closed doors should be no one's business but their own

“A 59% majority of Americans believe crime is an “extremely” or “very” serious problem in the U.S., according to the Post-ABC poll, an increase from 51 percent in Gallup polling last fall and the highest level since 2017. The sentiment crosses party lines”
berryberry's Avatar

A Minneapolis judge has sided with residents who sued the city over police staffing levels, saying the mayor and City Council failed to keep the adequate number of officers required by the municipal charter.

Hennepin County Judge Jamie Anderson's order to add officers to the Minneapolis Police Department comes amid a citywide spike in violent crime and calls to defund the police after the May 2020 death of George Floyd.

Anderson's ruling, delivered on Thursday, said Mayor Jacob Frey and the council in understaffing the police force "failed to perform an official duty clearly imposed by law."

Meanwhile in far left San Francisco - Target says it's closing all six of its San Francisco stores early because of crime specifically thefts and shoplifting.

Yeah, all a result of crazy Democrats Defunding the Police and being soft on crime
The irony of asking for more police on a hooker board.

We don't have too many police, we have too many laws and too many lawyers in positions of power.

Too many law enforcement levels/agencies maybe. Originally Posted by zip2121

I agree. But I think the problem is, some of the extra stuff that goes on around SW. Its not that a cop wants to arrest 2 people for doing something they both consent to, its the "other" stuff that comes with it that attracts their attention.