My maximum risk level has been reached and I am worried

houstonguy's Avatar
I need some advice from anyone who could possibly provide any words of wisdom. I had an incident happen today that has me wanting to stop all hobbying in addition to being concerned for my health.

I was in a strip club (I will leave out the name of club and dancer) doing my thing with a dancer. Things started out with a nice bbbj and then greek was suggested. I put on the condom and she hopped on. Everything was fine and felt great. However, when the deed was done, she got off and I went to take the condom off. It broke!! I realized that my penis head was totally exposed and smelled like shit. Obviously there was full on exposure deep inside her anal canal. I am not sure when it broke but I am really concerned.

Ever since I left the club I have felt nauseated and have gone through a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and hand sanitizer. Not to mention I have tried to drain every last bit of urine out of my bladder as possible.

The girl says she gets tested regularly and does not have anything. I want to think she is honest but then again she is a stripper who is not necessarily selective on who she provides extras to, nor does she charge much for her services.

I am paralyzed by fear and cannot bring myself to get tested. (although it is too early anyway) I am too concerned about the results to get checked.
I don't think the chemicals will help, because if any std got into your urethra.. you've pretty much got it. Get tested is all the advice I can give.
1. Calm down, Even if she is infected with something that does not mean you automaticlly get it.

2. Wait a couple of weeks unless some problem develops first. Then get tested. The reasion to wait is it takes time for some infections to develop to the point they can be detected and treated. If you see any ovioius signs before that, then go to the doc. You can get tested at many public health centers. A complete screen including HIV typicaly cost a~$150. Just search for STD testing in your area.

3. As hard as it might be to get tested, not knowing wil eat you up. Not to mention the risk you put others at by not knowing for sure.
Get tested, and probably don't expect many providers to be willing to see you under this handle for the forseeable future.

Your question might have been better placed in the men's lounge... though we all know it has more leaks than the Titanic.
I think it is more likely for the condom to break during anal sex.......that's why I'll never do it.......
Mr. Heffner's Avatar
Seriously? You should be VERY worried! Shes letting annonymous men fuck her in the ass all day and she "gets tested"? Sure, strippers never lie. GET TESTED now and in 3 months and hope for the best. Dude, you took a serious risk and unfortunately it backfired. Good luck
A little perspective here.
TheBizzer's Avatar

So... it lists the odds for contracting HIV from an HIV positive partner anywhere from 1 in 310 to 1 in 13000, depending, apparently, on the study consulted. In your situation, the odds that she is HIV positive are slim, so all in all, even in worst case scenario, it would be a minute chance that you contracted HIV from your encounter.

As for other STD's, it's obviously possible. Are you married? If you are, than you owe it her to get tested immediately and abstain from sexual intercourse until you get a clean bill of health.
houstonguy's Avatar
Trust me "worried" is not even close to describing how I feel right now. Yes, I took a risk (as we all do) and I am well aware that it "backfired"
I am very concerned about those I care about as well as my life. I don't know if I can put on a brave face and go through with testing when it comes time.

Dose anyone really have any perspective on how much "more" risky anal intercourse is (provided no blood is visible, it was quick and no abrasions were apparent on my penis) than vaginal intercourse?
Valentine Michael's Avatar
Your odds are pretty good. Only about 1% of population has hiv and only about 2-3% chance of getting hiv from an infected person through anal sex. So, its roughly a 1 in 5000 chance you got infected. Don't eat yourself up with worry. Get tested.
Trust me "worried" is not even close to describing how I feel right now. Yes, I took a risk (as we all do) and I am well aware that it "backfired"
I am very concerned about those I care about as well as my life. I don't know if I can put on a brave face and go through with testing when it comes time.

Dose anyone really have any perspective on how much "more" risky anal intercourse is (provided no blood is visible, it was quick and no abrasions were apparent on my penis) than vaginal intercourse? Originally Posted by houstonguy
Read the article by Michael Fumento that I posted.

Is there a chance you could have been infected with HIV? Of course.

But what are the real probabilities?

I put the odds as being much higher that you'd get struck by lightning.

If you will read the article, you will see that most heterosexual HIV transmission is male to female....not the reverse. And in most cases of those, another huge factor was being in a high risk group. So, unless you are an IV drug user or prostitute, the chances of you even giving HER HIV are extraordinarily slim. The chances of her giving it to you, are even less.

As for other STD's, that's a different story. If you are concerned that you might have picked up some other bug, just go to a clinic and tell them you are experiencing some painful urination. They'll have you pee in a cup, and then probably give you an anti-biotic anyway, even if you don't test positive for anything. Most of the time, the antibiotic they give you will be a broad spectrum antibiotic that will kill just about anything you might have picked up from her.

It's good to be concerned, but you are way over the top paranoid right now. That in itself can cause you to imagine yourself having all kinds of symptoms of all kinds of diseases. Trust me, I've been there.

If you are really concerned about HIV, go ahead and (as has been suggested) wait a few weeks, and then go get tested. But I'd lay you odds, that even if you do test positive for HIV, the odds are probably just as good that you picked it up from someone else. Ever do DATY? Your odds are probably just about as good there.

By the way, HIV is no longer a death sentence. Is Magic Johnson dead? He's been HIV positive almost 20 years.

I'm not trying to minimize this. I'm just trying to get you to calm down a little. Don't take counsel of your fears. You are going to be ok.
houstonguy's Avatar
I appreciate the responses. I pray that the worst thing to come from this is just the kick in the ass I needed to stop doing this stuff.....

I see several encouraging things in your post and the above responses. First, you're scared. Hopefully, you're scared enough to remember not to do such a thing again. If so, this incident will have had the naturally intended consequence of protecting you in the future. Just don't forget it!

Second, you're reaching out to others. Aside from the expected, and few--thankfully, boorish remarks from naturally-born asses, this is a good place to come because most of the gents here have done something stupid before (hence the phrase, "thinking with the wrong head") and placed themselves at risk. It's just part of this hobby. It comes with the territory. But also with the risk comes our responsibility to support one another in bearing that risk. That's why I'm glad you've come here.

You've already undoubtedly spent hours researching on the internet your "odds" of having caught something. Welcome to the world of the worried-well. As you seek that answer you're looking for, you'll eventually make yourself sick whether you acquired something from this girl or not. Better than spending your time on the internet, sit down and write out a plan of how you'll deal with this. Our minds are naturally inclined to find hope in forward progress. In your plan, I trust you'll find the strength to deal with this and in the fear the wisdom to not do it again.

First on the plan, know the risks and stop taking them. What you did was stupid, you acknowledged. But you don't have to stay stupid! Second, avoid sexual contact with anyone else until you've been finished a testing regimen prescribed by--and listen closely--a doctor who has been told everything. A physician can't usually be surprised, they've heard it all. And they aren't in the business to be judgmental so put your hat in your hand and get in to see your doctor. Tell him what happened. You don't have to go into details. Just tell him you made a mistake, had a risky exposure, and would like to be completely checked for communicable diseases. He'll take it from there. You simply do what he or she says. You will be advised to avoid further unprotected contact, to have an STD panel run immediately, and to be re-checked in 3 months or so for HIV. By that time, a negative result will almost certainly be an indication that you did not contract the virus that causes AIDs but if you wish for further certainty, test a third time at six months. Regardless, follow your doctor's advice.

Next on your list, try to avoid useless hours of research online about your "chances." There is no answer to be found outside of testing and medical advice. Most likely, on a single-incident, you're fine--unless that alcohol monsoon scalded your flesh!

Friend, I promise you're going to get through this. Try not to let it ruin your Christmas. Learn what you can from it and move on. But give yourself a break--most of the gentlemen on this board know the fear which you have expressed. And the ones that pretend like they don't will.

Hang in there. You're going to be OK.
GDLMAN's Avatar
Read this link. I think it will help your concerns. Take a deep breath and relax.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
This point is critical - do NOT have sex with anyone until you get tested. Right now, it is YOUR issue and YOUR worry. You can get tested confidentially and, if necessary, you can get treated confidentially. A pain in the ass that will be over within weeks. Even if you picked up something, it doesn't have to blow up your world. HOWEVER, if you infect someone, you can consider your world blown up. Truthfully, you would deserve it for knowingly putting someone else at risk because of your cowardice. So be brave, get tested, and no sex until you know the results. If you have a partner who expects sex, pretend to throw out your back or something like that which will also give you a reason to get 'treatment'.

Good luck...