Location of Review

When I research a potential playmate, I am obviously going to look over her Showcase. In doing so, she has several tabs that give access to different things such as 1)About Me, 2)Statistics, 3)Contact Info, 4) Showcase, and 5)Reviews.

This suggestion deals specifically with page that list all of her reviews. I am in a smaller market (Tyler, TX). Our main selection is the Traveling Playmate. So when we look at their list of reviews, it shows the dates of each review, who posted the review, and what the recommendation was ... Yes or No. It would make it A LOT easier if it also listed the location or forum each review was posted in such as North & East Texas, Arkansas, Florida, etc. In looking at a page of 10-12 reviews, it would tell us quickly if the potential playmate was landlocked to a specific area such as Austin because all of the reviews on the page indicated the review was posted in Austin. Or if she was a traveler because her reviews were showing up in several different forums.

This added information could potentially save both the hobbiest as well as the playmate some time. We would spend less time PMing playmates who would never come to our area due to whatever reason of being landlocked in their area. The playmate would hopefully be getting less PMs from guys she will never have the potential in seeing.

There seems to be plenty of room on this page for one more column.
Good idea east Texas grown!
I just wish they would separate East Texas into Southeast Texas and Northeast Texas
Tired of looking at ads for Beaumont when I look in East Texas my goodness it's freaking 4 1/2 hrs away
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-21-2017, 06:55 PM
Reviews are not the only place to look for the information you seek. You may also look at her posts to see where she posts her ads. You will be able to see if she advertising in one area and therefor is, as you say, land locked, or if she advertising in multiple areas and appears to travel.