Supreme Court overturns Chevron

I'm surprised no one here has posted anything about the Supreme Court overturning Chevron to give power to people instead of the government officials.
I'm surprised no one here has posted anything about the Supreme Court overturning Chevron to give power to people instead of the government officials. Originally Posted by farmstud60
I'm surprised it took you a whole hour or so to be surprised.

Thanks for your interpretation of SCOTUS activity.

The Democrat Nazis lost this one finally
Sure thing. Any enforcement action by any federal agency will be litigated endlessly. It's good that there are no full dockets in the federal courts, and all the judges are bored.

txdot-guy's Avatar
The chevron decision placed the ability of experts to determine which administrative rules should be applied.

The overturning of this ruling places the court in the drivers seat when it comes to deciding on said administrative rules.

Considering the fact that the appointment of judges seems to be a purely political decision it worries me greatly that we’ve turned our technical expertise over to someone as biased as Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk.
The chevron decision placed the ability of experts to determine which administrative rules should be applied.

The overturning of this ruling places the court in the drivers seat when it comes to deciding on said administrative rules.

Considering the fact that the appointment of judges seems to be a purely political decision it worries me greatly that we’ve turned our technical expertise over to someone as biased as Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Nope, that is the lie Democrats keep telling. This ruling prevents people that weren't elected and that have no accountability from being the only voice heard. So it helps to stop totalitarian power hungry people from destroying peoples lives with no recourse.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Nope, that is the lie Democrats keep telling. This ruling prevents people that weren't elected and that have no accountability from being the only voice heard. So it helps to stop totalitarian power hungry people from destroying peoples lives with no recourse. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Instead we’ll have lawsuits galore all judge shopping for the judge they think will be friendly to their client. This is a gift to corporate entities whose interests lie only with the bottom line and short term profits. This will expand government through the courts and sowing chaos in our judicial. I guarantee that this decision will come back to bite us in the ass in a big way.

If i’m going to get screwed i’d rather it be by the government than an immoral corporation like Perdue Pharma or practically anyone on Wall Street.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Nope, that is the lie Democrats keep telling. This ruling prevents people that weren't elected and that have no accountability from being the only voice heard. So it helps to stop totalitarian power hungry people from destroying peoples lives with no recourse. Originally Posted by farmstud60
What you call a lie is merely a difference of opinion. I trust the governments motives more than I trust a corporate entity whose sole objective is to make money. This ruling will place a much higher burden on state governments. This ruling doesn’t make things better for anyone.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You've driven off the map there. Those aren't "experts", they are unelected and unaccountable beaurocrats. They are no more expert than Fauci was to medicine and science.

Congress has the role, as defined by the Constitution. They are expected to call on actual experts to craft applicable policy. Not like some dipstick Surgeon General is allowed to modify the Constitution either by modifying the 2nd ammend by decree.

The only reason there will be lawsuits is if there is an actual violation of law, such as the unelected and unaccountable beaurocrats continuing to try asserting their non-existent authority they no longer have. Unless of course someone's last name is Trump, in which case screw the law.

Just another wooden stake hammered into the heart of the deepstate in my book. Die zombie, die...
Instead we’ll have lawsuits galore all judge shopping for the judge they think will be friendly to their client. This is a gift to corporate entities whose interests lie only with the bottom line and short term profits. This will expand government through the courts and sowing chaos in our judicial. I guarantee that this decision will come back to bite us in the ass in a big way.

If i’m going to get screwed i’d rather it be by the government than an immoral corporation like Perdue Pharma or practically anyone on Wall Street. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The chevron decision placed the ability of experts to determine which administrative rules should be applied. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The “experts” are political hacks to the top of the ladder. Our secretary of transportation is in place because he sucks dick and takes it in the ass. It’s his sole qualification, and we’re supposed to be confident he should be the final word on matters that effect hundreds of millions of Americans.
What you call a lie is merely a difference of opinion. I trust the governments motives more than I trust a corporate entity whose sole objective is to make money. This ruling will place a much higher burden on state governments. This ruling doesn’t make things better for anyone. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No's all "DEMONCRAT LIES" lol

I'm sure farmstud enjoys duking it out with Monsanto, assuming he's not already reaping the benefits of patented food sources that make their way by wind into the fields.

Of course that assumes he's any sort of farmer, and it's not simply a hooker board name.
The “experts” are political hacks to the top of the ladder. Our secretary of transportation is in place because he sucks dick and takes it in the ass. It’s his sole qualification, and we’re supposed to be confident he should be the final word on matters that effect hundreds of millions of Americans. Originally Posted by Rhubarb1216
How is sucking dick or taking it in the ass relevant?
Because it’s why he got the job.
Because it’s why he got the job. Originally Posted by Rhubarb1216
Based on what evidence? It sounds as if you have some personal insight here.

Side note: You should be glad he's not running for POTUS. He'd destroy trump.
txdot-guy's Avatar
The “experts” are political hacks to the top of the ladder. It’s his sole qualification, and we’re supposed to be confident he should be the final word on matters that effect hundreds of millions of Americans. Originally Posted by Rhubarb1216
First of all congress who makes the laws are the biggest political hacks in the business. They along with lobbyists make our laws. The executive branch runs the administrative system. It may be headed by a political appointee but the employees that fill out the agencies and the experts within are at least mostly merit based positions.

When judges have to decide on the interpretation of a law the experts they usually get are the very same people at the agencies who are being sued. I don’t think this change will do anything but put the courts in the position to apply their own bias to the system. Legislating from the bench I think its been called. The difference between what happened before and what’s happening today is that you think the judges in place are more willing to give a ruling that you like.

People fear the supposed “Deep State” but the government has done more good for our country than bad. All the division I’m seeing today is because of the politically appointed Supreme Court throwing our country into chaos!