Why is it that 95% of guys calling ask questions that are obvious(as in on my ad)? like how old are you?what area are you located?c'mon the ad not just the # on it.....uhhhh duhhhhhhh..................... ....
Still Looking's Avatar
Why is it that 95% of guys calling ask questions that are obvious(as in on my ad)? like how old are you?what area are you located?c'mon the ad not just the # on it.....uhhhh duhhhhhhh..................... .... Originally Posted by sweetlayla
Layla, I think the guys start getting excited and sweating when they look at your pictures! Then they can see a damn thing! I hope you had a fun visit and will come back soon. Say hello to Jasmin!
Girl I get guys like that that call all the time I just ask them if they looked at my add cuz its all in it!! 512-662-7124
pickupkid's Avatar
Too much in daze to read your ad...Its kind of like when you go grocery store ..The checker does not know how to count your change ...she can only read the figure off the machine.
pyramider's Avatar
Layla have you forgotten that the little head does not process information as well as the big head?
Still Looking's Avatar
I get girls like that as well! They know where I'm located. NSNC and excuse after excuse after excuse! The baby sitter is giving me problems. The car won't start. I'm drunk come buy me some shots! I have an STD, I need to reschedule! Will that be an hour or two? They have my references, they know I have the cash, yet they still just can't get it together! I feel your pain. What’s a man whore to do? We just keep our chin up and keep moving down the road!

Budman's Avatar
I believe that many questions are ask because we don't remember all of the info in your ad. We are not sitting at the computer making calls. Many guys look at the ads and write down numbers of providers they are interested in. When we are in a position to call some of the ad info starts running together. We also may be trying to get the conversation going.
Drtry2's Avatar
I believe that many questions are ask because we don't remember all of the info in your ad. We are not sitting at the computer making calls. Many guys look at the ads and write down numbers of providers they are interested in. When we are in a position to call some of the ad info starts running together. We also may be trying to get the conversation going. Originally Posted by Budman

X 2

.....Also remember we do read and part of our reading your posts will give us an idea of if we will enjoy our time with you. If some guys cannot have a normal get to know you conversation they wont want to see you....I know that I don't want to be made to feel stupid because I asked a question you had the answer to in your ad or web site.....UHH DUHHH
Why is it that 95% of guys calling ask questions that are obvious(as in on my ad)? like how old are you?what area are you located?c'mon the ad not just the # on it.....uhhhh duhhhhhhh..................... .... Originally Posted by sweetlayla
Happens all the time. The biggest pet peeve I have is when they ask for me when I AM NOT in town ( even when the DATES AND TIMES are posted), or when I say no last minute appointments and they ask for 'take out' in thirty minutes.

I know a lot of men just don't always pay attention to the words, they're getting hard over the pictures and don't always write things down, just the number and name. But really, is it that HARD LOL to read the dates I will be in TOWN?!
Drtry2's Avatar
I love posts like these, they can alert you to attitudes you wouldn't be able to pick up on in reviews.
shorty's Avatar
Why is it that 95% of guys calling ask questions that are obvious(as in on my ad)? like how old are you?what area are you located?c'mon the ad not just the # on it.....uhhhh duhhhhhhh..................... .... Originally Posted by sweetlayla
Well lets see now, would these question's seem more appropriate. . . How many years do I need to add to your age? Are you in town or did you just put multiple ads out there to see where you get the most response from? Are you traveling with another lady and what's your handlers name? These would be all question's that I would ask a questionable lady or exclusively advertises on BP with a eccie ad thrown in every now and then.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I wonder how I would react when buying my next car and when we started to negotiate over price if the salesman, said:"Did you read the sticker? Uhhh Duhhh!" I tihnk I would walk to another dealer.

My business has information out there on me on the website, brochures, etc. etc. but many times I am asked questions about my services and never do I ithnk or even imply "Uhhh Duhh did you see my website? Can you read the brochure? Did not my other client tell you?" Diofferent clients get the info on me from different places and sometimes that info changes. The best place for me as a customer to get the accurate info is directly from the servicer, that simple.

I certainly would not post on a website complaining about their actions, just me. I do not judge others, I can only account for my own actions.
Layla, its part of posting your number. You should be able to tell in under 3 words if it's someone you want to meet. Just hang up (that's why they invented that lil red button for your phone) or be nice & refer them to your ad or site, ask them to call when they're ready to schedule & wish them a nice day/good luck.

Some ladies are better able to deal with this type client and some (like me) aren't. It's 6 of one half dozen of another. I don't do short notice for new clients. Short notice for me is under 24 hours. Some guys won't don't or can't schedule "that far" in advance.

As stated somewhere above, some write down 5, 10, 20, 100 names and numbers, have the money and a little bit of time and start desperately dialing. They don't remember you particularly - only that you caught their attention. While not flattering, it's also not meant with any particular meanness.

Some are nervous and, shall we say - socially awkward? and for some reason refuse to believe that "Hello. How are you?" or whatever basic greeting is not appropriate to <pick one> ho's or exotic delites. (There's no in between and it's not your issue so don't boggle on that either, btw)

Others (my personal favs) are hoping to go RIGHT NOW, no screening (I promise I'm not police) and are hoping that you have rates posted lower somewhere (anywhere from anytime in any city under any name for any "special") that you will honor/accept/quote.

Like I said...that lil red button.....Gotta love it.

In the meantime, think to yourself "99% of phone calls will be BS. It's that 1% that I'm looking for and He is Worth The Incredible Amount Of Ridiculous Stupidity And Crap Attitude My Job Entails" don't get bogged down on the aggravating part of your work. Just shrug the BS off so that you can focus on the benefits instead.

It is just part of the job,
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2012, 10:28 AM
I have an STD, I need to reschedule! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking, I was LMAO when I was reading your post and then thought maybe you're serious. Have you really gotten that excuse?
Maybe it's just me but since I've been focused on getting new clientel everyone that i have corresponded with on the phone have been nothing but sweet and already informed about my rates and services and just want to inquire about my availability. I thought I was going to get alot of BS when I made my number public.

The only thing I don't like is when guys respond to my EROS ad that says " NO SAME-DAY APPTS." and they want to know if I am available tonight. That's the only thing that annoys me.