Handle name....... bowdown2me.......Dallas

uniquemonique's Avatar
Watch this one. I answered his iso- it seemed like a c
Kool idea. I did everything he asked for. I am on the floor on my knees no painties. He comes drops an envelope on my table. Then proceeds to lick his fingers and put them in. No sooner do I grab the envelope to find 40.00 dollars are you kidding me.
I jump up and ask him to leave , I proceed to say that's what we agreed on
Everyone knows a blow n go is 100.

He didn't think I was smart enough to look first..
Too bad it seemed like a fun idea. Oh well
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
What a douche..
What a poverty dick!

Sorry that happened to you uniquemonique
bowdown2me's Avatar
Lol... Now you know that's not the way it went down... There was was 140 in the envelope, as we discussed, and I got our entire text thread saved because I told you I was gonna post a report on you on the board..
This is what really happened, you answered my iso, for agreed upon amount of 2 bills I get there as our arrangement stated, door was supposed to be unlocked.. it wasn't.. I waited in my truck for 45 minutes, sent multiple text messages and nothing from you, finally I say I'm leaving and writing a bad report on you on the board and you shoot me a text say the door is unlocked now that you will give me a discount bring in 1 bill.. I put 140 being nice, ok i go in find you on all floor drop the donation your not following my request and chatting away at me.. I start playing with your pussy and you grab the money start counting it and tell me to hurry up and stick it in and get it over with I ask for a cover you say no just do it bb and I say no.. I need a cover to fuck.. you say oh it's cool I'm clean and I say no and get up grab my donation and head for the door...
Chung Tran's Avatar
the response does not ring true at all.. it is easy to say "I got all the texts", you will never produce them, so that's irrelevant. besides that it proves nothing about what eventually happened.

another common decoy move is to try and place the problem back toward the accuser.. she insisted on BB, but you're not down for such reprobation, and you left in a moral standoff.

sure.. that's what happened.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I agree.

The BB thing just made the whole thing sound like bullshit.
bowdown2me's Avatar
Both of you are eccie gossipers your opinions are meaningless to me... She wasted my time, and refused to produce a cover... Everyone don't bb these women... And I for one will not.. this is my last comment on this bogus thread...
txexetoo's Avatar
OP, I am sorry to hear you ran into such a douche and had a bad experience.

Bowdown2me, I am sorry you ran into such an unscrupulous provider and had a bad experience.
Chung Tran's Avatar
ECCIE Sleuth that I am... my radar vector is directed back to UM, after viewing this ISO..


bowdown2me CLEARLY asks for a fuck session.. UM was on all fours, as requested.. but in her opening post, she references a blow-n-go.. so what gives?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-03-2016, 09:06 AM
ECCIE Sleuth that I am... my radar vector is directed back to UM, after viewing this ISO..


bowdown2me CLEARLY asks for a fuck session.. UM was on all fours, as requested.. but in her opening post, she references a blow-n-go.. so what gives? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
it's simple, she's lying
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Always funny when people jump to conclusions about two people in a room that nobody has a fucking clue about. All of the hookers side with their fellow hookers, and most of the guys side with the accusatory hooker to make themselves appear sensitive. In the meantime, nobody knows what the fuck actually happened in the room except for the party involved.

If I ever get accused of a crime and I have to go to court, I hope I don't have you fuckers on the jury. You clowns would convict somebody after the prosecutor's opening statements.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-03-2016, 10:19 AM
Always funny when people jump to conclusions about two people in a room that nobody has a fucking clue about. All of the hookers side with their fellow hookers, and most of the guys side with the accusatory hooker to make themselves appear sensitive. In the meantime, nobody knows what the fuck actually happened in the room except for the party involved.

If I ever get accused of a crime and I have to go to court, I hope I don't have you fuckers on the jury. You clowns would convict somebody after the prosecutor's opening statements. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You nailed it!
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-03-2016, 01:48 PM
nobody knows what the fuck actually happened in the room except for the party involved.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Hell, I'm not sure they even know.
bowdown2me's Avatar
[QUOTE=FindumFuccemFleem;105892 5022]Should have done your research


You should check into changing your handle to "WHITE KNIGHT"