Hobbying plans for the year all over Texas

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Up until the last couple months I hobbied sporadically. Can't even say I hobbied really I just saw a couple providers in Houston and Beaumont and had a lot of RW adventures. I'm pretty much in it now for the long haul I've decided. Issue is I work a lot.. and I mean a lot. For example for the next month I'll be working every day, no days off for one whole month, 12 hour days, graveyard shifts. Needless to say that doesn't leave time for much of any hobby, not if I want to sleep, and I have a few hobbies that are important to me. Martial art training being the top of the list. Not this hobby though.. This is just fun with extra money. Hardy har. But when it comes to this hobby I have time to plan in advance and save for those plans because I can't find time to see people every other day like I want to. So, here is what I have planned for this year... (through New Years and to my b-day a bit less than a year from now). I don't expect them all to happen but some will for sure.

See most everyone I have seen already multiple times. (We are talking three hours each time people)

Contact my first provider for an overnight (saw her 3 years ago, then got into other interests. Now that I'm back I'm going back if I can.) nobody forgets their first. And this one is worth remembering even after a lobotomy.

Get training in both Master/slave roles because I like both and not sure which I like more. Only got a taste of being a slave the other day. It was cool.

Role play meeting at a comic con and then leave for a tryst in costume. Don't even have to leave really hehehe. Possibly a short two hour visit on this one. Yeah two hours is short for me. I go to comic con in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and New Orleans. So I'll be looking at ladies local to those cities in those dates.

Weekend camping affair gfe at the Renaissance festival this fall. Talkin 24 to 48 hours on this one yo. Period garb required. Cha-ching!!

An MFM, MFF, MFMF, FMMMMM, mfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmf however you wanna rearrange them there letters you get the idea. This will be the most difficult since A) scheduling people and B) scheduling me around work

Damsel in distress role play.... stranded, lost, mugged, and "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY!!"

More boytoy massage therapist reverse role plays like my last cuz it rocked my socks.

MFF contest... I take forever to pop so two women have an alternating contest on me, each Roll dice and the number it lands you have that many minutes and then switch. First to make me pop wins XXXtra.

Learn and practice shibari. Partner needed.

Martial art role play... if I can find a girl that trains then a full hour training session. If not I teach some moves to her and be all kill bill with it. Also weapon work included. Wood, padded and plastic of course. Nothing dangerous. By the way I'm playing Bill. I wouldn't work in a yellow Bruce Lee onesie like the Beatrix Kiddo. Yellow ain't my color.

New Years gfe overnight. Night club and dancing is a must. I haven't had a New Years kiss in while cuz I'm always solo... I'm getting one this year dammit.

and for my birthday a reverse gangbang.... I'm tied up, helpless, and used.

Simple really but That about covers a year worth of fun. I may be a dirty ole bastard but I'm imaginative. So guys, anyone else have any plans and ideas for their year they want to get knocked off the old bucket list? I'm always up for some inspiration.

And ladies, if any of this interests you please say hi and feel free to add any ideas or experiences of your own.

Hope you all have a pleasant day. And if anyone dare add up the cost of that I'll verbally burn you with my witty repartee.
Shadowsinthedark's Avatar
What was I thinking?! I forgot I'm going to Europe in a month. How I left that out I'll never know.:. so add in finding a provider over there for a meeting at some point.