Encounter: Cutie at Bonsai

SpecialA's Avatar
Date: 12/30/18
Name: N/A
Phone: 337-344-3678
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: -
City: Lafayette
State: Louisiana
Address: By Mel's
Activities: Massage, ROS
Hair Length and Color: Black, tied
Age: 20s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Short girl, skinny but not too skinny. Nice butt for her size.
Recommendation: Yes
turbo-dog's Avatar
I was there a couple of months ago, andgirl went straight to HE on flip. I think it’s pretty standard there. They had 3 or 4 girls working and the place was pretty hopping.
Can you PM me the prices?
I went there a couple of months ago as well, only one girl was working though. I didn't receive any extras which was the first time that ever happened. Things may have changed though that was when they first opened