Really Don't Think We Need Tort Reform?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Too many lawyers with nothing to do. Guy gets killed by a train, is being sued by a person his severed arm ran into and knocked over.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why shouldn't she be able to sue. The guy who pulled in front of the train was presumably negligent in doing so. It is foreseeable that debris from the collision -- whether from his car, the train, his body, or elsewhere -- will fly all over the place. Likewise, it's foreseeable that flying debris would injure someone.

You're taking the position that someone who negligently pulls in front of a trains shouldn't be responsible for the foreseeable injuries that result from his foolishness. Why the hell should that be true?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
how do you define reasonable torts without it being excessive?
Tort deform would be more like it. COG, did you know that somebody gets killed at a railroad crossing almost every single day in the United States? I doubt you care and I am certain you would side with the railroad in every single instance....after all, the railroad has important work to do, delivering goods so they can make their insane profits. Get out of the way! If we kill you because we are going too fast, or we sound our whistle too late, or if we are running 50 trains a day through a crossing that has ten thousand cars a day moving through it...fuck it! Profits rule! Get out of our way!
One more thing COG, you asshat. I'm a lawyer and I've worked both sides of the civil courts fence, plaintiff and defense. I deal with people like you every single day....folks who advocate "tort reform" (which really means nothing more than restricting the right of regular Americans to access to the courts and trial by jury, which is, by the way, guaranteed by the Constitution) and it is just astonishing how quickly they change their tune when it is one of them, or their wife or children, who are killed or seriously injured or permanently maimed as the result of the negligence of others.

Suddenly, they don't understand why they can't sue the railroad because of "tort reform" or why it is that the idiot doctor who rendered their loved one a paraplegic because of substandard care is only liable for some miniscule amount of their damages. Fuck you and your tort reform, just hope it doesn't happen to you asshole.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim, I am a retired lawyer myself, so I have been in the fight as well. As a lawyer you should be able to read better. Who is suing the railroad? No one. Now go back to ripping off divorcees, and STFU.
Don't handle family cases and I read just fine. No doubt which side of the fence you come down on.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's funny how people who want us to emulate Canada or Europe when it comes to health care reform, don't want us to emulate them when it comes to tort reform. Who you gonna sue under Obamacare? When the government is making the decisions, where will your multi-million dollar judgments come from?

You guys need to be consistent.

And just for the record, I have modified my position on health care reform. From what I understand about the Canadian system there is minimal government involvement in health care decisions. I could support a system like that, but not Obamacare. There is way too much government control in that debacle.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But I would want a constitutional amendment allowing such a system. I would support it.
waverunner234's Avatar
COG look up (google) some things about the healthcare system in the Netherlands.
Its not perfect but I think it is the best that any country on earth has.

And guess what......... the country is not suffering from it.

Something where America could learn a bit?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
COG look up (google) some things about the healthcare system in the Netherlands.
Its not perfect but I think it is the best that any country on earth has.

And guess what......... the country is not suffering from it.

Something where America could learn a bit? Originally Posted by waverunner234
and what is their tax rate?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
COG look up (google) some things about the healthcare system in the Netherlands.
Its not perfect but I think it is the best that any country on earth has.

And guess what......... the country is not suffering from it.

Something where America could learn a bit? Originally Posted by waverunner234
and what is their tax rate? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
like most european countries, their tax rate is high.