For Liberals - Map that shows you where welfare pays more than work

Yssup Rider's Avatar
fucking idiot.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, I heard this on the radio. Someone in Hawaii can "earn" over $60,000 a year. Now I know someone you will not be able to keep up with this but think about how evil and insidious this is. A young person can go on welfare or go to work at an entry level job. In a state where welfare pays more than an entry level job some people will chose welfare. They never develope any jobs skills and stay on welfare. They are living close to the bottom of the food chain and stay there. The only time that they get a pay raise is when a politician passes a bill to raise it. In exchange that politician requires that they vote for them even if that politician is a scummy, dirty piece of crap. The only thing important is that the lazy voter gets more money taken from those who do work. Yes, that people who chose to work instead of taking welfare got the training and experience. They moved up the food chain to better than minimum wage and either changed jobs or worked their way up to a management position. Their reward? They get to pay higher taxes so the sponge can live off the fat of the land, the stupidity of the voter, and the corruption of the politician. Just plain evil.