What to say when the appointment activities aren't moving along

Phrasing's Avatar
I just left an appointment where the provider was too chill and laid back. We talked, joked around, she showed me stuff she bought for Christmas, she showed me the cool things (technology gadgets) and I was intrigued by them. But things were not moving along! I mentioned, oh, my time is half way up and she said she wasn't a clock watcher....or shall we get started..and she said yes...then her mind goes somewhere else and she starts talking about something else. I don't think it was purposeful but anyways.
What are ways (besides just taking off your clothes or being blunt) about getting the activities started. I am more of a person who wants the ladies to initiate, I find it hard too then I will be kicking myself the rest of the afternoon (like today) that I wasted my own time! (not pissed about the money...more about my time)

scsholar's Avatar

Kiss her, take her to the bedroom while playing with her kitty.
Contralto's Avatar
That's a great question and I've had that situation twice in my career. Once I was, like you, convinced she was just stalling. The other was just scatterbrained enough to not get around to it! Either way, the clock was ticking and I wasn't licking.

I think both times I just made a self-deprecating joke about how long it took me to get the job done so to be most respectful of her time I'd better get started. Something like that.
Phrasing's Avatar
I really don't think she was stalling and I'm refusing to say who It was cause a one time deal isn't worth naming names, but for future reference...
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 12-22-2016, 01:47 PM
Do the Donald ... Just grab her by the pussy.
raremonkey's Avatar
I had the same thing happen to me with a provider i drove 2 hrs to see. She watched TV, talked about a dog she wanted to get, showed pictures of the dog she wanted to get. I finally just started getting handsy and she got the picture but msog was off the table cause all the time she wasted. Not to mention she went to the bathroom 4 times.

It may be best we let everyone know who these ladies are so guys are prepared to handle it. It was the first time that i had initiate, which, like you, i dont wanna have to do.
Do the Donald ... Just grab her by the pussy. Originally Posted by Twain
scsholar's Avatar
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
I have seen some chatty woman but they didn't watch the clock. I am not sure what I would do if they were chatty for 30 mins and then said my appointment was half way over.
scsholar's Avatar
I have seen some chatty woman but they didn't watch the clock. I am not sure what I would do if they were chatty for 30 mins and then said my appointment was half way over. Originally Posted by Three Piece Chicken Dinne
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
She'll get the hint if you start getting gropey or move into kiss/make out with her.
But also in initial contact you can tell her you prefer the lady take the lead. However in her case if you leave it up to her she'll talk the date away unless you make a move. Hmmm you were pretty clear when you two "get things started" and she kept rambling on anyways. I think you're still being a bit too nice in saying she wasn't stalling.
If you want to see her again maybe bring up that you enjoy the banter but that she seemed a bit distracted when it came to getting into the "main event".