Sad news today, and peace for our long time hobby friend

ck1942's Avatar
Fisherman6944 after a very long illness.

Early days of and as well.

Many great memories and some adventures, too.

R.I.P. compadre.

"See you on the other side."

= = = = =

Many long timers from aspd may recall his dry humor and dedication to golfing, fishing, and more intimate activities.

There will be a brief remembrance at the next meet & greet.
Altbier's Avatar
Thanks for posting this, ck. Sorry to hear of his death. Just last week I was talking with a fellow monger about him, wondering how he was doing. At least he's not hurting any longer.
SpursFan's Avatar
A good man and he will be missed, Was a quiet moderator on the mothership.

He seemed to have the right bait for the ladies too.

We went to Costa Rica back in 2004 and had a blast.

SpursFan's Avatar
Dbl post hiccup.

Coolpops's Avatar
May he Rest in Peace.
LovethaCougar's Avatar
I will never forget meeting him and most of all, never forget the lesson of friendship that you showed me. He was A very good man, and the proof of that was in the friends that he had. I love you CK, and I will never cease to be impressed by the friendship you showed. You made me believe in people again...❤
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-03-2019, 12:33 AM
So sorry to read this. He was a great friend and colleague.


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