AWESOME as usual!!!

I would just like to thank Dharma for allowing me to spend a couple of days hanging out together again!

Darlin', I laugh SO much when we get together! You are SUCH a great person and great friend! Not to mention those "other things"...LOL! YOU know what I mean! I luvs ya even when you DO get geek on me!

Secondly but not the LEAST importantly, I REALLY want to send a GIANT thank you out to the gentlemen that visited me/us while I was there. I had SUCH a great time and you make me feel so special for visiting!

Dharma and I were talking about it last night and I am thinking that I may just need to step up my visits and go East a little more often.

Thank you, thank you, thank you ALL for making my visit so special!
pmdelites's Avatar
you're most welcome. actually, the pleasure is ours as you two are way up there on the list of RELIABLE REPUTABLE PROVIDERS. [gee, that could be a service mark RRP]

and thanks to you and dharma for a deliteful afternoon.

ps to dharma, win 7 is now installed and i'm not having to fuck w/ my computer any more. i'll see you soon :^)
Vicki it's always great having you over to play and I really hope you can make it more often. There are still about a dozen gentlemen who asked when you were coming who couldn't make it this trip. It's fun having you here and thank you for the banana It made my session much better. Oh, and I'm sorry if I got some Geek on you.

Thank you guys, every one of you who made it in. No two sessions are ever the same and you really make us want to keep doing this for you. Thank you for the extra little gifts that smelled wonderful, were sparkly or were so very tasty! Those things were certainly not expected and made us both pause a moment at your thoughtfulness. Thank you. For those of you who couldn't get here this time, no worries. VNurse will be back sooner this time, we promise.

@Garland~You mean it actually didn't explode? Whew! I mean, of course it didn't, I knew it would work!

Thank you again guys, it was a blast! We'll keep you posted on the next visit.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, is this a "Look at Meeeeee" threAD?!? LOL! If it is, at least it's about someones that are worth "looking" at and know how to bring their "A" game consistently. Who says you can't teach mature canines new tricks? Gonna have to get my ticket punched by the RRP's of the OHC.

Sorry, sometimes I don't know what comes over me............
pmdelites's Avatar

Sorry, sometimes I don't know what comes over me............ Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
sure you do, it's called "female anatomy!"

or have you suddenly lost your vision due to rubbing out one too many?!?!
@Randy~ There are several ladies in the RRP category who would love to see you. When you're ready to try the OHC, just let us know I take pride in what I do so thank you for the sincere compliment, it was very sweet of you to say As for threADS, I imagine I have somewhat less patience than you do for them.

In the mean time, I'll try to come up with something witty and/or thought provoking to entertain you.

"Wit is educated insolence." - Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." - Thomas Watson (1874-1956), Chairman of IBM, in 1943

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor

"Men have become the tools of their tools." - Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

and finally~"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire
You BET it is Randy! LOOK AT MEEEEEEEE!!!!! LOL!

No, seriously, I honestly just wanted to thank all the lovely people I spent the past couple of days with. You know me better than that! Silly man!

Dharma, if I'm not mistaken, didn't you have TWO bananas? Wait, that was two different days, wasn't it? I'll be sure to bring plenty next time.

RRP? I LIKE that! Thank you so much!
demsrsb's Avatar
Vnurse, see you soon!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
vic, dang, I see that I'm gonna have to watch my potassium I knew you two could take a little gentle ribbing without coming unglued.

pmd, under NO circumstances would I rub one out because my eyesight is bad enough as it is AND besides, vnurse is just across the river from da house...

Blue, sparkly dharma, once again you demonstrate that you know the difference between pithy and pissy. Outstanding!

Hell, it's 3am, there's too much noise, don't you people ever want to go to bed (to coin a phrase)? What's worse is I'm sober. Since I'm male and over 50, I suppose that means I need to add yet another body part to the massage checklist.....
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 08-21-2010, 02:54 AM
Ok now I'm hurt V y'all were supposed to tell me when you were gonna do this again. Ugh. So much for my perfect Hawaii vacation, its ruined now , LOL.

I just have to hope for the next time.
Vicky/Dharma (V/D?),

You left me "Boneless"!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Huh? There was an "Old Hags" convention and I wasn't invited? WTF?
Huh? There was an "Old Hags" convention and I wasn't invited? WTF? Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Lana, I would be happy to induct you into the Old Hags Club.

Admission begins with an "oral" interview.
How are your Dicktation skills?
A number of Positions are available.
Fluency in several languages, i.e. French, Greek, Russian, etc, is a plus.
Hours vary, are you Flexible?
The work is Hard, can you handle a big (work) load?
The customers can be real Dicks.
There may be some ass-kissing involved.
Commitments could leave you... Tied up.
You may have to swallow...some pride.
There will be days when you feel like there is a target painted on your ass!

All in all, though, You will be amongst good, no, great company!

Cheers to all you old hags.
May your bra, oops, I mean cup, runneth over!
st...SOOOOO VERY sorry darlin' but as soon as I posted my sig line, it seems we booked up! I'm going to make it sooner next time for sure AND more often so there will be opportunities. PLEASE have a nice vacation!

Garland, you are HYSTERICAL!!! I'm LMAO at you...what a sense of humor!

Lana, no convention but I was asked about you several times. When are WE getting together again?

Randy...I could NEVER get upset with you darlin'! Yes, I actually DO have tough skin but just remember, I can dish it out too! LOL!

I hope all of you have a great Sunday! --v
geezerdude2's Avatar
Vicki/Lana - as soon as I'm done being an invalid, you two will have to get back together for a double!! WooHoo!