Recently revealed WH emails from the Tripoli embassy expose the Obama lie and cover up..............developing.
markroxny's Avatar
I hate to burst your bubble but an email stating that an organization claimed responsibility for an attack, doesn't mean that's what happened.

The president was still gathering information and facts from several sources. Claims of responsibilities for attacks are not proof of what happened.

From your own article:

But the White House did have information, almost immediately, to suggest a militia aligned with al Qaeda might be responsible for the attack.
But it was a video and street violence; not a terrorist attack as he, Rice and others claimed.....but all along they had intelligence saying otherwise.
markroxny's Avatar
But it was a video and street violence; not a terrorist attack as he, Rice and others claimed.....but all along they had intelligence saying otherwise. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They had an email saying that a group claimed responsibility for an attack. That's not evidence.

If you were president you would go running with that? Really?
I certainly wouldn't be purposely misleading the American people with the lie that it was a lame you tube video....the presidential way to manage this would have been to say:
We have received credible threats of violence directed at our Libya personnnel and we take this incident as a serious act of terrorism against our personnel, especially in light of the anniversary date of 9/11...........
And Obama continued the lie internationally with a WH sponsered ad aired on Pakistan TV blaming the you tube video............Obama's continued Apology Tour !

Note in the video, neither Obama nor Hillary blame terrorism.......nor do they stand up for freedom of speech - one of the founding principals of our nation.........instead they bend to the sympathies of the Islamic streets....these Democrats are disgusting.
markroxny's Avatar
I certainly wouldn't be purposely misleading the American people with the lie that it was a lame you tube video....the presidential way to manage this would have been to say:
We have received credible threats of violence directed at our Libya personnnel and we take this incident as a serious act of terrorism against our personnel, especially in light of the anniversary date of 9/11...........
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Again you are equating an email that a group claimed responsibility to a "credible threat". A president has to be more prudent and wait for more evidence to come in from multiple sources.
joe bloe's Avatar
This whole incident smells to high Heaven. The terrorist strike took place over several hours. We had time to react militarily, and Obama did nothing. He allowed four people to die needlessly.

One thing is for sure, Obama knew this was terrorism right from the start. The video story was just a poorly thought out cover up. If, God forbid, Obama is re-elected, he must be impeached.
markroxny's Avatar
If, God forbid, Obama is re-elected, he must be impeached. Originally Posted by joe bloe
LMAO. There it is. The term 2 teapot plan.

You should make that your signature Joe.
Actually Senate hearings have revealed that the Pentagon had the military assets in place; but did nothing...keep in mind the Benghazi attack was over hours, not was available, but Obama slept thru the 3 am phone call....and so did Hillary.
LovingKayla's Avatar
He's flat Fing busted.

We have absolute proof he lied through his teeth. I heard the democrats on the radio saying after this there's no way they will support him. They won't intentionally vote FOR Romney but they will NOT vote for Obama.
Looks like he punked the wing nuts...
Punked is an appropriate term. Sad for the president to be engaging in such antics. But it is the kind of tactics that Democrats use.

Punked: A way to describe someone ripping you off,tricking you, teasing you.
Humiliated completely, as in disrespected. See clowned.
joe bloe's Avatar
Punked is an appropriate term. Sad for the president to be engaging in such antics. But it is the kind of tactics that Democrats use.

Punked: A way to describe someone ripping you off,tricking you, teasing you.
Humiliated completely, as in disrespected. See clowned. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It's hard to believe the same country that elected Reagan, in two landslides, could elect a piece of garbage like Obama. It's sickening.

If Obama is re-elected, it may mean the country is beyond hope. We may have lost the ability to recognize evil.
LovingKayla's Avatar
We haven't lost shit my dear Joe. I'm ready whatever the outcome, but I've got money on Romney.... especially after what I saw and heard today. It won't even be close.

And yes ekim, he punked the shit out of ALL OF US.