Should Rae Carruth be released?

The ex wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers will be coming up for parole next year.
I don't want him to be released and i believe he should stay inside and rot in prison.
runkle's Avatar
Absolutely not!...and he won't be. Whether people believe he did it or not, OJ was acquitted of murder then railroaded on another charged. Rae was tried and convicted.
pyramider's Avatar
OJ should rot in prison for bringing the Kardashians to light.
I am not up to speed, what did this guy in S~P's post do?? I guess I am the last to know something sometimes...

Tried to dip on child support.
What 1b1 said Melissa. In exchange he chose (or was given) an 18 to 24 year prison sentence.
runkle's Avatar
I am not up to speed, what did this guy in S~P's post do?? I guess I am the last to know something sometimes...

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
This should bring you up to speed.
I never paid any attention to the case when it happened but I just read the wiki after reading this post. This piece of subhuman garbage should have been executed the second they convicted him of trying to murder his unborn child.

This is whats wrong with the justice system in america. There are people doing more time for marijuana than this piece of shit did for murder. Who cares if he didnt pull the trigger he hired the asshole who did so in my eyes he is just as culpable.

Its a shame that someone in prison didnt take care of it but I am sure he was a hero behind the wall being a former nfl player.

To bad there isn't a vigilante group out there dishing out justice to pieces of garbage like this when they do get off way to easy. If there were I know I would gladly donate to the cause.
daarakan's Avatar
Just in time, the Cowboys lost almost all of their secondary in the offseason. Got Jerry's name all over it. His daughter will come out giving some quixotic statement about second chances.
from an all-time great...

Tried to embed it but not sure what I did so had to remove tags.
from an all-time great...

Tried to embed it but not sure what I did so had to remove tags. Originally Posted by Galadan
Thanks P...need to add that as a tech tutorial somewhere...I had clicked the YouTube option in the editor and pasted the link but it added a bunch of URL stuff before and after the video screen. And I am fairly tech savvy but had me confused.
Carruth will be released next year. The driver assistant had already been released and the shooter will remain on the inside as he pleaded guilty to 40yrs
I think he may be on countdown