It doesn't hurt to ask (excuse for dismissal of manners)

  • A1.
  • 10-25-2018, 03:32 PM
A friend of mine has a pet peeve about gentlemen using the excuse, "it doesn't hurt to ask" & leaving their manners elsewhere.
She doesn't offer quick visits or the option would be listed is her response.
I would be insulted if someone "asked" to smoke around me & they know I don't smoke. Putting my health in jeopardy is lack of consideration.
Maybe that's a bad example ...

a person paying for a service may feel they are in a position to negotiate (ask)because they have all the power.That seems like
a form of bribery.

She made it clear, there are certain things you don't ask.

▶Can I do bareback? She has condoms in sight
▶Can you send a face picture? She doesn't have full face pictures on advertising for a reason, respect her privacy

I'm sure there are other questions you don't blantanly ask due to safety reasons but rest assured, providers share notes on hobbyist asking for bareback.

Asking for the wrong thing hurts the person's credibility
  • A1.
  • 10-27-2018, 04:08 PM
Oops...some people like bareback and shame on me for passing judgement, according to a hobbyist that takes his actions utr.
Sensitive subject for the raw riders getting caught.
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Your friend and I share the same sentiments
  • A1.
  • 10-28-2018, 07:27 PM
Awesome, I'll be sure to tell her (the friend).
Agreed 100%